Need help in graphics settings for onboard gfx

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I am waiting for the prices of dx10 cards to drop. but, meanwhile, I need to use my onboard gfx. I got an Asus M2n-PV-VM mobo with AMD 5600+ with 1GB 800MHz Ram on it. The mobo got Nvidia 6150 chipset. Please anyone suggest me the optimum settings for the graphics through the NVidia control panel. i.e., the antialiasing settings, buffering, vsync etc. I am confused with trial and error methods. I got Tomb Raider Legends but with the future content on, and all settings to high-max, the game runs very slow and sluggish. even FEAR does that too. Please tell me what is the optimal config I could do with this onboard. I know that onboard ones are slow, But Help.. abt how much Ram I could dedicate to the onboard one, settings in bios etc. Would it help in having an extra 1GB Ram?...:confused:


Guess Who's Back
if you are upgrading add another 1 gb 800 mhz ram so you use dual channel, now days you need 2 GB ram, also don't buy any high end DX 10 cards right now ( e.g HD29 XXX or Geforce 88XX ) cause they give very low FPS when playing DX 10 games , so they have failed to achive there main purpose so you should buy a second hand high end 79xx or ATI 19xx card or the 8600 GT, cause if you want to play the dx 10 games on high settings with FPS LIKE 60 you are better off waiting for the GeForce 9th series.

now about the optimium config thing , read this guide


its a very good guide.
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