Need a new phone ~ 14k

In the zone
not really
I bet you dont own a windows phone and are merely speculating
I have a 720 running W10 dev preview , a nexus 5 running android M dev preview,ipad 4 running ios beta and a Z10 running BB10.3.x beta,I can safely bet android has come to a standstill and still tries to become a master of all trades but it doesnt excel at anything except customisation,that too extremely buggy and unintuitive
android is wayy behind the competition and all it takes is trying/owning the competition to understand this

I own a Lumia 720 since the month it launched, also had a lumia 520 at home. I dont need to prove to you what I own, I have a list of devices that I own (got a Zenfone 5 1.2ghz last month) and will update my signature when I find time next.

I've been seeing WP since version 7.0 on friends Lumia 710. And since WP ver 7.5 on my Lumia 720 (I can write a big post of issues I have faced since I got it, but no point now since some have been resolved with the new handsets and s/w updates). I also signed-up for the Windows insider preview earlier but opted against getting a potentially buggy OS update on my primary phone.

I bet ur a kid, who after listing those 4-5 things, thinks that he owns & knows all.

@OP - I would'nt mind if you go for a WP now, because they have atleast improved the basic things such as proper sorting/organisation of the settings menu which is available on 640 series as of now.

Just warning of a few limitations u may face not to ur liking, for example, if ur interested in any wearable tech like smartwatches or fitness trackers, u wont find many options of WP compatible devices. Also if u own any other accessories like bluetooth headsets from ur previous android phones, they wont work with ur new WP.


Cyber Genius FTW
^^ Lol no,you must be a kid not me
the way you speak,you barely even know anything outside of android
you have posted misinformation multiple times about non-androids

also you just proved you have never owned a windows phone ever-

-720 never ran WP7.5,it started with 8.0
Microsoft pulled an android and didnt release 8.0 for 7.5 devices
none of the x20 series Lumias ever ran 7.5

-Windows Insider was released 2-3 months ago and is only for W10
Dev preview is for 8.x

-Portico update never had any bugs,literally zero on the 720
it was the only time,there were no bugs at all in any OS version
limited yes,but not that much

-WP fully supports 90% of wearable tech,the best itself is the Microsoft Band,which also works cross platform
also wearable tech arent yet mainstream because of high price and not much use

-Bluetooth headsets are fully supported in 8.1 even those made for android and require A2dp or Bluetooth LE etc

You dont know anything about WP and you just proved it

@ op, this guy is seriously misinformed regarding Windows Phone,he just proved me right by his above post,if you dont believe me,just google the above

In the zone
^^ Lol no,you must be a kid not me
the way you speak,you barely even know anything outside of android
you have posted misinformation multiple times about non-androids

also you just proved you have never owned a windows phone ever-

-720 never ran WP7.5,it started with 8.0
Microsoft pulled an android and didnt release 8.0 for 7.5 devices
none of the x20 series Lumias ever ran 7.5

-Windows Insider was released 2-3 months ago and is only for W10
Dev preview is for 8.x

-Portico update never had any bugs,literally zero on the 720
it was the only time,there were no bugs at all in any OS version
limited yes,but not that much

-WP fully supports 90% of wearable tech,the best itself is the Microsoft Band,which also works cross platform
also wearable tech arent yet mainstream because of high price and not much use

-Bluetooth headsets are fully supported in 8.1 even those made for android and require A2dp or Bluetooth LE etc

You dont know anything about WP and you just proved it

@ op, this guy is seriously misinformed regarding Windows Phone,he just proved me right by his above post,if you dont believe me,just google the above

OK i messed up with the version numbers cos ive been seeing this thing for too long on a L710 and my L720.

And bigger lolzz..
- I never talked about the Portico update.

- Can you urself understand what you wrote abt the Windows Insider dev preview? What was the point there? Just elongating ur post writing crap or what?

- About wearable tech... that was exactly what I pointed out, there are very FEW options? Do u even understand english?

- Not all headsets support the A2DP profile, and conversion does not guarantee similar sound quality as before.

Learn how to behave, the way U speak, is highly rude and uncivil.


Cyber Genius FTW
^^ wow man , you are the one who started posting misinformation and you were rude not me
you can google any of these things and youll see who is right
learn to behave,the way you hate on non-androids is very bad and misinformed
I still dont believe you have used/owned a WP in recent times
I wish to have no further discussion with you,all one has to do is google the "issues" you posted to see through your lies
thanks for going OT,dont bother replying

- - - Updated - - -

also you did say you had issues when you first got your 720 which means it ran Portico update,so you did mention portico indirectly
you once again proved you dont know much about WP, 7.5=portico indeed according to you


[MENTION=184724]kkn13[/MENTION] Thanks for the valuable help. I will go and try out the suggested models this sunday and will report back to you on my experience.

[MENTION=137695][/MENTION] Android has its own advantages and restrictions, what i have learned from zenfone 5. But the fact remains that apart from asus, i don't trust any other from that stable on ASS front in sub-15k category. High specs and low prices have their own cost. And zenfone 2 does not command its price tag. Now i can't delay buying a new phone after being disappointed by the former. The only android i am interested in is Oneplus 2. And barring negative reviews, i plan to buy one. But in the end, thanks for your advice and info about restrictions on WP uses.

In the zone
^^ wow man , you are the one who started posting misinformation and you were rude not me
you can google any of these things and youll see who is right
learn to behave,the way you hate on non-androids is very bad and misinformed
I still dont believe you have used/owned a WP in recent times
I wish to have no further discussion with you,all one has to do is google the "issues" you posted to see through your lies
thanks for going OT,dont bother replying

- - - Updated - - -

also you did say you had issues when you first got your 720 which means it ran Portico update,so you did mention portico indirectly
you once again proved you dont know much about WP, 7.5=portico indeed according to you

Firstly, dont impose ur opinions on others. Dont ask me to reply or not reply. I post on my will.

I had lot of issues before the WP 8.1 arrived. Even with the hardware, it rarely would connect to my 3G.
Also i dint say there were bugs in the WP8 OS. The whole experience from a usability point of view was shabby.
All that WP phones run gr8 even on low-end hardware is a farce (runs well when u dont install many apps). I've seen many app-crashes on my 512mb ram device.

Simple apps like Whatsapp, Viber dint do their job.

A simple app like "Whatsapp" could u believe crashed every single time, I had a use-case on how to get it crashed. Guys around me with their micromaxes were using it easily.
Now ppl would argue that these are problem with the app, not fault of the OS. But we dont buy a phone just for the OS, its for the overall experience including the ecosystem.

The 720 feels damn sluggish too. I do 10 things on my iphone 5s by the time 720 opens up whatsapp for me.

I would have for sure sold my 720 had the 8.1 update not arrived.
And would be better served with something like a Galaxy S3/S4 for the last two years, or atleast lumia 625/820.

@OP - this guy seems so biased towards WP, he will ask selling people their iphone 6 for few pennies and spend more to buy something like lumia 830.

WP has now slowly bridged that gap, and is also very good at lot of things. The build quality with the ClearBlack displays will feel great, and the GPS performance and quality of apps will feel better now than before.

My point was not swaying u away from WP. Just to consider pros-cons before buying. A Lumia 640 XL will fit well in ur budget.

Ill post a couple of good links later that not only have reviewed the device, but give a clear picture how u would feel owning a lumia.
Dont just go by opinions of a few biased ppl here.


Cyber Genius FTW
dont listen to,he's so full of lies,he's already proved how little he knows about the platform,seems he hasnt used anything above 7.5 going by his posts
Im not biased towards windows phone
its just that as a phone,windows phone is a much more stable and vfm experience
in tablets,I prefer ipads
as a backup phone,I own a Nexus 5 as I need otg constantly for my dslr
I dunno how that makes me biased

Im not gonna bother to reply to,he doesnt seem to be able to post without personal attacks and lack of knowledge
he thinks he knows about more than a regular user of a platform based on his opinion of an age-old version of the OS
that way,we can also base our opinion of android on an experience of an android 2.2 device

512mb ram Lumias run perfect,I can even play GTA SA on my 720 with no lag
as for usability,WP ,BB10 and even ios are more stable than lollipop

also its laughable that he wants to compare a 35k iphone 5s to a 15k Lumia 720
and he even thinks low end MMX users are happy with the performance of MMX
or even S3,S4 (Touchwiz is deadly slow)

its pretty obvious is biased towards android
If I was biased why would I have atleast one device in my daily backpack of each OS
why would I recommend non-wps in most of my posts then, you can see my posts on other threads and see who is biased and who isnt

- - - Updated - - -

[MENTION=137695][/MENTION] I will wait for the links. May help me decide between 730 and 640xl.

personally 730 is the better buy unless you want a larger display

In the zone
[MENTION=137695][/MENTION] I will wait for the links. May help me decide between 730 and 640xl.

Go through this completely. It wont only describe the hardware and praise the cameras of lumia, instead will give u the overall picture.

Review: Microsoft Lumia 640 XL | WIRED

Ill look out for the other links i went through in my free time & post as and when I get.

Out of 730 & 640 XL, I like the 730 only for its form factor, will be easier in pocket on the move.

Remaining everything seems better on the 640 XL. Cameras are better. Display though an LCD, but the ClearBlack nullifies any difference. The battery is much bigger on 640 XL. Build is great too and feels good in the hand. Also has the latest OS out of box.

But its a personal choice.


Cyber Genius FTW
^^ not entirely true
730's amoled is one of the best displays ive seen
camera on the 730 is amazing especially in low light and beats the 640XL despite lesser mp count in challenging lighting
overall the 13mp zeiss sensor on 640XL is better in good lighting

clearblack doesnt nullify difference between an amoled and lcd at all,get your facts right
clearblack is a technology used in mid range and high end Lumias both lcd and amoled
it reduces reflections by sunlight etc

In the zone
^^ not entirely true
730's amoled is one of the best displays ive seen
camera on the 730 is amazing especially in low light and beats the 640XL despite lesser mp count in challenging lighting
overall the 13mp zeiss sensor on 640XL is better in good lighting

clearblack doesnt nullify difference between an amoled and lcd at all,get your facts right
clearblack is a technology used in mid range and high end Lumias both lcd and amoled
it reduces reflections by sunlight etc

730s 6.7 mp rear cam is fine too, what I mean to say is the 13 mp zeiss unit on 640 xl produces much detailed pics than the 6.7mp one.

Don't take the literal meaning of what I said abt nullifying diff btw LCD and anoled. I dint mean to say LCD = amoled after using clearblack. The deep black levels tht amoled inherently produces should not be a deciding factor cos lumias produce similar black levels even on LCD.

In the zone
Anandtech has reviewed the Lumia 640.

The Microsoft Lumia 640 Review

Go through the "System Performance", "Software: Thoughts on Windows Phone" and "Final Words" pages if not going through all.


In the zone
Anandtech has reviewed the Lumia 640.

The Microsoft Lumia 640 Review

Go through the "System Performance", "Software: Thoughts on Windows Phone" and "Final Words" pages if not going through all.

Camera Perf is also good as per AT


Cyber Genius FTW
Anandtech Review didnt seem accurate
the 640 has much better specs than my 720(infact double in nearly everything)
I dont face any of the issues he mentioned on my 720
I think these reviewers dont use these devices for a period of time and simply open the box and review which isnt the correct way to review the phone

A better way of proving my point is Youtube reviews,that way you can see why he is wrong regarding the cons of the 640
also 730>640 despite 6.7mp vs 8mp

- - - Updated - - -


zero issues which AT review mentioned

In the zone
This guy points out things that u will and won't like on a wp device very well.


In the zone
I find most of those accurate being a long time wp user. Except for the keyboard(I like the wp keyboard a lot).

I dint find anything there in comments though.
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