Mumbai mall denies entry to 6 year old autistic girl


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Neville Dhabhar and his wife do not have an easy job raising a child with partial albinism; but, on Saturday, the manager of Fun City in Goregaon’s Oberoi Mall showed them just how harsh the world can be.

As if the stares she probably attracts and the whispers that follow her are not disturbing enough, a special little girl, Tiana, had one of her few solaces shamelessly and cold-heartedly wrenched from her by a gaming zone manager.

Last Saturday, Neville Dhabhar and his wife took their daughter, Tiana, to Fun City, a gaming zone, in Goregaon’s Oberoi mall. They usually do this at least once a week, since the time their six-year-old spends gaming is like therapy for her, Dhabhar told us.

But as soon as they reached the third floor and were about to enter the playing area, an attendant of the store came to the couple and said the manager would like to talk to them.

When they met with the manager, he told the couple a most inhuman thing: that he couldn’t allow their daughter, who has partial albinism (see box) in the playing zone. The reason he gave was so benighted that we will let Dhabhar’s post on Facebook say it.

In the social media post, that was shared multiple times, the disheartened father stated, “On his arrival the manager told us that Tiana couldn’t enter the playing area, as the last time some parent had complained about her. On asking him the reason for the complaint, we were told that ‘children are getting scared looking at her because she is a special child’.

I just couldn’t believe what he was saying. After a heated argument, other parents joined in our favor and made sure Tiana could play. And to top it up the guy said, “Fine, we shall allow her to play,” as if he was doing us a favor.

“Does the person even realise what he would have been (subject to) if this was in the UAE, US or Europe? These countries respect such kids and do as much as they can for them. It’s an absolute shame that we are living in this kind of culture where even young kids are not respected.”

Dhabhar spoke extensively to this paper. “My daughter suffers from partial albinism, which is like borderline autism. We go once a week or, at times, twice to the play area, because playing there is like therapy for her. But, that day, when my daughter was prohibited entry, she was upset. She sat on the floor, and my wife got very upset.

I think the person who stopped us because one parent complained that his child was scared seeing my daughter should be educated. He should be told that these kids are also a gift of God.

You can’t ignore them because they are not like normal kids. I am fighting this treatment so that such cases aren’t repeated. If it can happen to me it can happen to anyone, and I don’t want it to happen again.

There is lack of education about such issues and I think the only way to curb such incidents is education. If a parent has an issue then he should be told that no one can be stopped because they have an issue.”

Source : 6-yr-old special child told to stay away from playing area in Mumbai mall - News


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Update :

When the father of the child posted his grievance on Facebook the mall authorities are forcing him to delete his post.

Mumbai mall wants father of 6-yr-old special child to delete Facebook post - News


Lost in speed
That's inhuman, but good to know that other people backed the family when the incident was happening.


Chosen of the Omnissiah

They've apologised.

Shouldn't have let this happen at the first place.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Glad to know that this got sorted out.

However, this brings to light the mindset of the people. I am sure there are still many people around who still have the mindset like the manager who denied the girl access.


The Power of x480
Staff member
This is a sad face of where our society is turning into.
However I don't see the fault was with the mall. Ok it was partially his fault but he was just a voice of the parents who complained about the girl earlier. It wonders me beyond anything how some people remain aloof from reality. As if it was the girl's choice to have albinism. It is sick of the people who think like that and force their view on others. They are the one who are the victim of more vicious disease than albinism and should be banned in malls.


Conversation Architect
This is a sad face of where our society is turning into.
However I don't see the fault was with the mall. Ok it was partially his fault but he was just a voice of the parents who complained about the girl earlier. It wonders me beyond anything how some people remain aloof from reality. As if it was the girl's choice to have albinism. It is sick of the people who think like that and force their view on others. They are the one who are the victim of more vicious disease than albinism and should be banned in malls.

kuto kamino ki kami nahi hay is duniya me.

I have seen people doing such kind of things gov should have strict rules and strictly follow them. Each and every day there is case of rape but how many of them are solved instead of dragging it to court they should directly punish them or simply hanging them.

I wish that man have sent to jail for 1 year without bail.

Maoist are killing people like animals but our dumb gov. is not doing anything about Instead they are saying these are our people we shouldn't hurt them.

Well it is sad to say our people are turning into animals nothing more.
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