Microsoft Game Studios: Halo 2 for PC Release Date is 08/05/2007

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Ankur Mittal


Halo 2 from Bungie and Microsoft Game Studios will be released on 08/05/2007 exclusively on Windows Vista - over a year after it was announced for PC, and two and a half years after it was released on XBOX.

The highly anticipated title brings Master Chief to Windows Vista and is the first title to incorporate the new Games for Windows — LIVE service. Windows Vista gamers will be able to challenge each other in PC-to-PC multiplayer matches and earn achievements for the first time in the “Halo” franchise, as well as communicate via voice or text with other Xbox LIVE or Games for Windows — LIVE members. The visually enhanced classic includes an all-new Map Editor, which will allow for new content and greater game customization. “Halo 2” will be playable with mouse and keyboard or the Xbox 360 Controller for Windows.

UK Gamers: Amazon UK has a pre-order date of 30/05/2007.

I am going to buy this game for sure!!!:cool:


Broken In
As much as it pains me to say, I might end up getting it too. The fact that there's a proper map-editor this time around (you could still find user-made "maps" for Halo 2, but you'd require a modded Xbox... and very bad taste in textures :p) actually tempts me to care quite a bit. There was even a demonstration of this system shown (along with some game footage) at the last Game Developer Conference, you can check it out here.


Broken In
Yeah, Halo has always been been a love-it or hate-it kinda thing for the hardcore PC crowd. :p

Being a console-fanboy, I could still say that while Halo 2 as a single player game had its merits - it wasn't perfect and still borrowed a lot from other similarily themed sci-fi flicks and games ("Headcrabs, you say? No no! They're called The Flood! They're not related, honest~"). However, as a multiplayer experience, I had an awesome ball. There wasn't anything like it for consoles and it was great to play around with the mechanics that didn't require precision aiming or lightning fast reflexes in order to be good at, but they would certainly help. Halo 2 team matches required some tactical thinking, too. It wasn't all about shooting the other dude.

But notice how I said multiplayer, and not Xbox Live. Because let me tell you, playing anything that is as popular as playing Halo 2 (or Gears of War, if you want to be more current) was nothing but a brat-pile up and swearfest for me on Live. I'm friggin' serious, people. It just made me want to throw the game out the window and let someone else waste their time to find "friendly" players. I could care less if they had trouble lobbing a grenade or picking up the right weapon for the right situation, because I could always help them with that. But no, people on Xbox Live feel they need to be arrogant and vocal about what they do. Just some advice for anyone who is going to buy a 360 for Xbox Live in India - make sure you have know the person you're playing with. It'll help make even a deprived game go a long way in adding that extra bit of value :)

But then again, Live service for PC is pretty bull. Because Microsoft really thinks the PC audience couldn't have played online games in any other way, right Peter Moore? :(
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