Meet the mother of all malware which can jump airgaps

Source: *

In the following months, Ruiu observed more odd phenomena that seemed straight out of a science-fiction thriller. A computer running the Open BSD operating system also began to modify its settings and delete its data without explanation or prompting. His network transmitted data specific to the Internet's next-generation IPv6 networking protocol, even from computers that were supposed to have IPv6 completely disabled. Strangest of all was the ability of infected machines to transmit small amounts of network data with other infected machines even when their power cords and Ethernet cables were unplugged and their Wi-Fi and Bluetooth cards were removed. Further investigation soon showed that the list of affected operating systems also included multiple variants of Windows and Linux.

...the malware, has the ability to use high-frequency transmissions passed between computer speakers and microphones to bridge airgaps.

This is AWESOME!


The Power of x480
Staff member
Hmm. So if you think you are compromised, solution is not just to disable Ethernet, but also speakers and microphones.
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