Man gets $85,000 Cell Phone Bill

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The Conqueror

We've seen $3,000 cell phone bills. We've seen $10,000 cell phone bills. But now we've got a bill that's approaching six figures, as a Canadian man has been hit with an $85,000 invoice.And no, it's not a computer error.
Piotr Staniaszek had been using his cell phone as a modem for his computer, thinking he was covered under his $10-a-month unlimited mobile browser plan from Canadian telco Bell Mobility. He actually caught the bill at $65,000. When he called to complain, he was told that it had hit $85,000 for the use since the bill was mailed.
The likely problem is that Staniaszek got understandably confused about what his recently signed $10 data plan covered. Such plans often cover data use on the phone itself (such as texting or using the built-in browser on the phone), but not when it's used as a modem with a PC. (Without going into extreme detail, the connection types are different, and the phone company can tell the difference between the two types of traffic.) Bell Mobility has dropped the bill to just $3,243, but Staniaszek is still fighting it. (Of course.)
source : *;_ylt=AsoGd68tattdBT3rn4H31n4FLZA5


left this forum longback
feel pity for me then!i was using dial up longback without the knowledge that phone line rental will be there :oops: got rs3000+ for two months :evil:

The Conqueror

When i got home250 (BSNL broadband) i got 9k bill :evil:
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