Looking for a connection with minimum 2mbps all time in Kolkata


I have had enough with the 100mbps Docomo connection (I'll save the horror story for another post) I took and am looking for a connection that will provide me a minimum 2mbps downstream at all times. I have a couple of requirements though.

1. Must not have anything that jacks HTTP traffic in order to try and sell me more data. I run a couple of scripts to monitor certain webpages and these will always wreck havoc with it. I'd much rather not have something that looks like
raise SmartBytesException
in my code and then have the handler enter that I don't want to spend more money on data.
2. Must not have a "hotel log in" system. I had used pacenet for a while (never again) and they required me to open my browser and go to a page that recommended Internet Explorer 6.0 in order to log in. Which would be reset every time I restarted my computer. Same reason mentioned above + it breaking I2P/Torrents. Extremely annoying.
3. No transparent proxy for international content and international connectivity to Singapore and Amsterdam at all times. I have a digitalocean droplet and an OVH dedi box in SG and AMS respectively and really hate it when the SSH tunnel into the boxes break. And when I'm unable to verify that everything updated properly because the front facing portions were cached by the ISP.
4. No upload throttling, minimum 512kbps upload at all time. Same reason as above. Transferring a 200mb binary file shouldn't take me an entire day.

Would be appreciated:

1. No NXDOMAIN jacking. Really annoying that ads are shoved in my face because I made a typo. Also cannot verify that any new subdomain propagated properly due to caching of the nxdomain response page.
2. Minimum 128kBps upload speed.
3. Customer support being familiar with *nux environments. My Sid box doesn't have a %temp% folder that you can ask me to delete before you transfer me to your technical team ;_;

Any provider that meets my needs? Should be <4k/m. So far I'm looking at BSNLs BBG Combo ULD 2799##, but am unsure about their service quality. There are also local alternatives like Wishnet and Alliance, but again, no idea about the quality and whether they meet my requirements.
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