License Problem

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- Snake -

Broken In
Well I just wanna know about licenses that people give out with there softwarez. I am currently developing an OS and want to get


for it.... I also wanna know that what is a trademark? do i also need to have trademark to give license with my software...

Bassically what I need is that nobody should be alble to use the sotware which I developed as their product and give out them in public with their name on it.....

Plz help


Mr. Snake.

Well first things first, so u are developing an OS, good man.
Next, forget about TECHNOLOGIES for a moment, Now lets consider your requirements, COPYRIGHT for your work., fine.

Follow this steps:

You will have to go the old way Snake. Yes, first create a COMPANY, it can be a PRIVATE LIMITED company or any LIMITED company. Go to Industrial Office (government ) get your company registered there, get your company's NAME and LOGO registered along with. For Eg: Microsoft Corporation or Jasubhai Digital Media is the Name of the COMPANY which is registered with the government of the respective countries which there corporate office is located. This is tedious thing to do, u will need some professional help for a country like India, full of curruption MAN.

Next, Deside a BRAND NAME for your OS, again for eg: Windows XP etc are brand names of the companys products. You can have TRADEMARK on them, this can also be done during the registration of your company.

Next, In order to get your Company Registered, u will need various paper work to be done, u will need to show them the PROJECT PLAN or SCHEME or PROJECT REPORT, which will contain the projected CASH FLOW, Financial capability , Financial backup (BANK LOAN ), Plant & Machinery, LABOUR or Employee, etc. deployed or shall be deployed in your company. (If u donot register your company with the government no bank will give you loan on subsidy or any type of loan to set up the company.

You will also have to obtain FACTORY LICENCE or similar LICENCE from the FACTORY LICENCING authority, they will conduct an inspection of your land and building and machinery and provide LICENCE to carry out the business.

Once u get the COMPANY REGISTERED half of your COPYRIGHT issue will get solved.

Now, lets come to the TECHNOLOGY part of it. U will have to code some validation rules or KEY concept and Activation Concept into the software, so that no one will be able to install it or use it, or can crack it.

The above is only an idea as to let u know the inside story or a COMPANY, there are more paper works to be done, and I cannot detail it here. So, take time out and go visit a Consulting Firm or a lawyer would can advice u on all this matter.

Let me inform u that this matter are not so easy as u might be anticipating it. Developing Software is one thing and Selling it legally is another. So be carefull.

NOTE: The name of the company reffered to in this thread belong to the respective Company's. The names were used only for illustration purposes only.
- Snake -

- Snake -

Broken In
Hey thanks a lot man ur are a real professional.... The copyright thing is a too much for me (now atleat since i am only 18)...

Could you tell me what is GPL that some people distribute with their softwarez


Cyborg Agent
The GPL is the GNU General Public License, which was released by the Free Software Foundation, is a license for distribution of free software that allows copying, modification and redistribution. It also requires that all public releases of GPL software to have open access to its source code, be freely redistributable and if you take a GPL software and modify and release it, you have to comply with the GPL laws and open up the source code and redistribute it under the same GPL laws. A full explanation of the GPL is available here:


Well Mr. Snake, what enoonmai said about GPL is correct, but u see, if u go by the GPL and distribute your OS, in this manner, u do not hold any direct or say full right for the software. Next there are no issues of COPYRIGHT in this case, since u will by force have to allow people to make modification to your original art work and also allow them to re-distribute it. So, now make your choice, GOOD LUCK.


- Snake - said:
Hey thanks a lot man ur are a real professional.... The copyright thing is a too much for me (now atleat since i am only 18)...

Mr. Snake I am not a professional, but have got a few company's registered, which are much similar to your requirements for myself. Though we do not sell software as of now. I will suggest u some thing, if u are really serious on selling that art work of yours I mean that OS of yours , then just create a Company with a few members of your family as the Directors, For eg : You can make your DAD the Chairman, Your MOM the Director, and if u have Sisters and brothers make them Directors too and u can become the Managing Director. Now head to the various offices and get your company registered anyways.

The guys will come for inspection, make up some story there and u understand what is required to be done here, get some furnitures and fixtures on rent and do up man, it works.... hi.... hi.... :wink: :wink:

Now go ahead and SELL your product legally and ENJOY full share for your hardwork man. ..... btw. u say u developed an OS all on your own, I mean alone ? That sounds Cool and that too at age 18!

Hope u see a new verious of Lon......
- Snake -

- Snake -

Broken In
Hi all!

Well I have a doubt again ;)

How can I use use GPL with my creations..... I mean do I need to register myself somewhere to obtain GPL license for me... Or do I have to only distribute a copy of GPL with every software.

How do people get copyright notice for their softwares, does they get it by only distributing his/her software under GPL without applying anywhere for copyright.

Hope you people will understand my doubts as I am not able to completely express my self here


Plz go to GNU site followin d link givn above & all yor querrys bout GPL will b solved there.

@ Tech&ME, what u suggstd him bout starting a company is not funny but a good suggstn IMO, in fact how Microsoft or Apple was started :?:

U gave him d real push he needed, its upto him whether he'll recieve it as just a push or "zor ka dhakka, dheere se laagey" ...

:wink: I wud suggest - Snake - 2 check out d movie "Pirates of Silicon Valey".

And, remember 1 thing about copyright + copy protection:

Its all warez untill Open Source gets involved...
- Snake -

- Snake -

Broken In
thanks for suggestion but i have studied those paras there, and since i am not good at law therefore i wasn't able to understand each term clearly...
the one thing I need to know is:

How can I use use GPL with my creations..... I mean do I need to register myself somewhere to obtain GPL license for me... Or do I have to only distribute a copy of GPL with every software.


- Snake - said:
thanks for suggestion but i have studied those paras there, and since i am not good at law therefore i wasn't able to understand each term clearly...
the one thing I need to know is:

How can I use use GPL with my creations..... I mean do I need to register myself somewhere to obtain GPL license for me... Or do I have to only distribute a copy of GPL with every software.

Ok Mr. Snake , so u are new to this field, right. You can visit the following link for more details on GNU license. *
And ya you do not need to register with anyone , just include the those statements with your software. That's it. And remember if you are planning to distribute your software under GNU/GPL lincese forget about copyright, the software will no longer be yours, Understood. The thumb rule with GNU/GPL lincense is, you will be by forced be required to include the full source files, CODES with the software itself so that it can be modified by others and then they can re-distribute it saying it is there's. So, where does the copyright thing arise under GNU/GPL ? Forget it man there is no COPYRIGHT thing under GNU/GPL your work becomes others works in a minute. You don't even get proper creadit for your work MAN , try to understand SNAKE.

But wait..... I will not suggest you to FREELY DISTRIBUTE your work like this. What I would like to tell you or say offer you help. Yes I want to really help you Snake.

So, I give you two choices now. Since you are a bit new to all this copyright thing hence I want to join in, which means , Either you SELL me your art work ( OS ) or perhaps we can become partners and help you form a company and then sell the OS.

So, you have two choices ,

1. SELL it to me.

2. Become my Partner and we will together sell it.

Please tell me what you decided.
- Snake -

- Snake -

Broken In
Hi Tech&ME

I liked your proposal and will think ( may be I am to young to think on that ).....

It is true that I am dveloping a OS, but you know, It's far from being a complete OS. It displays only some text on the screen on the concepts of OS....

But let me tell you guys I will make it a fully functional OS.....

I am a 18 yrs student and presently staying in a hostel without a compueter which doesn't let me give time to my OS... But from sec. year i.e from august i will take my PC to my hostel and give time to OS and then it's development will boost up....

So wish me best of luck with my dream... i.e to make a fully functionnal OS


:wink: That's d spirit man... go ahead, make us all proud :!:
If u r still thinking bout GPL, plz kno that whith GPL u can ask ppl 2 pay money (but the source code of yor OS will be open 2 d ppl 2 modify it as they need - which is better 4 u coz other ppl will develop yor OS 4 d better & u will get d benefit).

The text file u can DL @ their site is like a template - u can just modify it 2 add yor & yor OS's name at proper places & distribute it :!: No regn. reqired :!: (There can be some tool that can automate this process of editing this template but I am not aware of it now)

& 4 GPL it's not a must that u float a company - u can do it individually :!:


Ok SNAKE I understand your problem now. Anyways I am always with you and remember to get in touch with me anytime you need help, I am ready to help you in what so ever way I can. I am not trying to do any business with you SNAKE, but you how Microsoft began..... developing Windows.... that was an accident, Bill Gates never thought one day he will be develloping anything called Windows. He met a fine gentlement during his research work at the University and then the Windows came to touch our lives.

Something similar can happen with you SNAKE and remember I am always with you. U develop the software and u must get the full credit for it. DON'T SELL YOUR SOFTWARE UNDER GNU/GPL PLEASE ! U need the right guidance and belive me I can put you in the right track and take you to the right steps of BUSINESS.

You can get in touch with me at the following e-mail ids :

jalandeepak AT

deepak22jalan AT

Replace the AT with @
- Snake -

- Snake -

Broken In
Thank to you all for your suggestions and yes I ahave noted down your point not to sell my product under GPL

I will contact concerned guys the time I need
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