lappies with web-cam r not good???

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Resident Fanatic
a friend told me that laptops with web cams r not good coz they give magnetic influence to the screen.

Is it TRUE


Resident Fanatic
Nd i was talking abt the speakers in laptop.
Sometimes common sense comes into play :).
Manshahia said:
Speakers in Laptop??

Just made it short asking wat abt speakers in laptop also.


Human Spambot
^^You didn't get my point,well forget it.
I did a search related to webcam, cameras,magnetic field,But found nothing.
So there you go:)


yup web cams dont do any harm to Lappy screen, & the lappy speakers are specifically tested, so again no harm to the screen:)

my cousin has Compaq M2000 lappy, which has JBL Speakers (the reason why he bought that lappy), the sound output is awesome, he's using that lappy for 14+months, no problems regarding Speakers & Screen:)


Still Shining!
My friend has got a Lenovo Lappy with an inbuilt camera and using it since 5 months and i didn't see any problems with the screen...

Even if there existed a magnetic effect(Which is never there) wouldn't the manufacturer be wise enough to shield it from affecting the screens???
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