Lamao !!!! Lol Roflol

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<frank> can you help me install GTA3?
<knightmare> first, shut down all programs you aren't using
* frank has quit IRC. (Quit)
<knightmare> ...
Razer: ****..DS is coming..
TriSpear: how do you know?
Wicked_Sword: The annoying n00b f00?
Razer: He just signed onto AIM..
EnergyWave: yeah...the kid who sucks at being a sader..
Wicked_Sword: **** **** ****
Razer: Hide!!
* Razer is now known as Razer[Away]
* DevilsGrace is now known as DevilsGrace[Out]
* Wicked_Sword is now known as WS[Away]
* TriSpear is now known as Tri[Gone]
* Hampton is now known as Hampton[bbl]
* EnergyWave is now known as EnergyWave[afk]
* _Godly_Strike_ is now known as GS[bbiab]
Razer[Away]: >.>
* DarkShadows has joined #Saders
DarkShadows: hey evry1
DarkShadows: n e 1 wanna play w/ me
DarkShadows: 1 here..
* DarkShadows has Quit(Quit: User Exited)
Razer[Away]: w00t!
WS[Away]: I kinda feel bad for him..Now...He just got ditched by an entire channel...

Jenna says: I
Jenna says: l
Jenna says: o
Jenna says: v
Jenna says: e
Jenna says: y
David says: C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
Jenna says: what the **** is your problem?
Jenna says: why do you always do that?


<fabz> I think we need to work on our communication.. one guy is talking crap, one just goes "lol" and the other one doesn't understand what's going on
<atsleek> lol
<Nefemus> what?
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