Is it possible to install Chrome OS or Ubuntu in an old Windows 7 laptop which don't have working USB ports


In the zone
Windows 7 is slow in this laptop so I would like to install a lighter OS for browsing. Problem is USB port doesn't work

Sent from my Redmi Note 9 Pro using Tapatalk


You need to create a primary partition and boot to it. You can use bootloaders like GRUB or tweak Windows Bootloader. Download a live linux ISO and extract it.


Broken In
You could use a DVD to install the OS, either using the inbuilt DVD drive, if it works, or using an external DVD writer.

If it is an old laptop, not the newer UEFI ones, it might support booting an ISO from the HDD. You could use EasyBCD for that. There are other methods of booting an ISO from the HDD, but this one is the easiest.

If your laptop has an HDD, you could switch to an SSD, that will noticeably speed things up.

As for Ubuntu being lighter, I don't know much about that, I haven't used it much, but my understanding is that the antivirus program on Windows makes it slow, while Ubuntu running without an AV runs faster. After a clean install of Windows, my computer runs pretty fast, until I install an AV, at which point it slows down.
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