Is any fault in my graphics card?

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Hi to all
My config is

P4 3.2GHZ,ASUS P4P800-DELUXE,2 GB RAM @ 400MHZ in all four slots in dual channel mode, HITACHI 80 GB @ 7200 And last but not least
ASUS V9999 ULTRA Graphics card.....

The problem is ..... when i play any game like medal of honour breakthrough, Need 4 speed Underground......or running software like MAYA suddenly monitor freezes and HDD LED stops flickering....after some time i got the error of nvidia dll file......but it is not comming regularly....
I have nvidia driver version 61.77 for WIN 2k Xp

I have already exchanged this card for ATI radeon X800 Pro because same problem is arrised....
i have used nvidia catalyst driver 4.9beta

So is it problem of driver corruption or there is not stability in drivers
Help me out if any body knew about this


I m unable to find which card U have rite now, ATI or NVIDIA, tell me

Ctalyst is for ATI while Forceware is for NVIDIA, I guess U have installed wrong drivers, tell me which card U have then download the drivers for that card from the link I give U & after that I will give U further info


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currently i am using nvidia feforce 6800 with forceware driver version 61.77 for WIN2k/XP and also i didnot installed sp2 on win xp

I am using ati 1 week ago which i replaced it with nvidia.........
Also i removed all catalyst drivers before installing nvidia card

Which driver are stable for nvidia and for 6800 ultra series plz mention....

On * this link there are new forveware driver available do u have any idea about this
Are they stable?

Plz reply .....i am bit frustraited


6800, tell me the compony & model, & cost

The 61.77 do not support the 6800 fully, U need to wait for the enxt driver release or use the non official drivers which were leaked from NVIDIA, I M using Forceware 65.73 on my FX5900XT, works really fine

U can download the 65.73 from, they are WHQL

Also download driver cleaner, then uninstall all the drivers U have in your PC, for gfx card then boot in safe mode, install driver cleaner & select to clean NVIDIA , this will remove all the leftover files from previous forceware installation, also remove all the ATI drivers from Driver cleaner & 3DFX drivers

After that boot normally & install the new drivers 65.73 from device manager,

any more help required?


Broken In
thanx for support also one thing that there is forceware driver available on .............i mentioned the link in previous post.......they are also WHQL certified............

About my Graphics card..........

Make : ASUS V9999 ULTRA with 256 GDDR3
Cost : 45500/-

Actually i replaced it with ATI......ASUS AX800PRO....@ 32750/- there is a compatibility problem so my vendour said that we have to replace it so he directly give me replacement for whichever i want so i suggested ASUS

How it perform any idea.......because i do not have any idea as i not yet tested to its full potential


45k, how do U earn that much money

6800 Ultra works beter then a X800 in all ways, besides NVIDIA Drivers are better the ATI

Get the 65.73 WHQL drivers only


Broken In
about earning that much money well i am saving my pocket money and my earnings............that is approx 30000 and extra is provided by my brother who is software will take me two years to do so much money


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Thanx for all of u r support but i am telling you that..........the problem is no longer been there as i asked Asus for this problem and they has suggested me to use their driver designed for the card so i did same...........and got the result in positive manner...............I installed drivers from ASUS 61.21Version.............It Works and now i am enjoying the punch and might of 6800 ULTRA


Broken In
Please, Please and Please benchmark your 6800 with the app supplied in the "The GRAPHICS CARDS List" thread. Thanks.
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