Ipad Mini Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0


Right off the assembly line
I had started a thread earlier but now my budget and requirements have changed a lot so thought it would be better to start a new thread.

I want a tab primarily for reading ebooks(in pdf as well as epub format), magazines(mostly in pdf) and comics. At the most i may use to watch the occasional video or listen to some songs but thats it. Not interested in gaming on a tablet. Budget around 25k.

I have gone to a store and tried both the ipad mini and tab 3 8.0 and acoording to me

1)The 4:3 ratio of the ipad mini is better for books than the 16:10 ratio of the tab 3
2)The ipad mini looks better in my opinion and feels better too.
3)The iTunes thing is a pain and that is what is keeping me from buying the ipad mini
4)The hardware specs of the mini are abysmal with just 512mb of ram
5)The tab 3 has micro sd card slot and is ofcourse a lot more open
6)The tab 3 supports a lot more formats than the ipad

So which of the two would be a better buy for me and last out for atleast two more years. I do not prefer screens smaller than 8 inches but larger ones i can consider. Are there any other recommendations other than these two at this price point and screen size?


Right off the assembly line
Finally bought the ipad mini and i am quite happy with it. Reading books is a delight on the ibooks app, plus the magazines look nice on it.
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