Internet access kills win xp

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In the zone
I am not sure what exactly the problem here other than it is Internet access related and I am not a newbie but I am stumped here. I just got a new machine AMD3000+ and installed WIN XP and SP2 but not all the newer updates since the machine gets the blue screen of death if I do.

And I have a few windows opens with java applets and stuff streaming all kinds of data. But it seems when I go to another site it exceeds something and the system comes to a stand still. The CPU performance usage goes to over 90% from under 5% normally and stays there. I can shut down all programs and windows and it still stays 60% or higher. So something in the operating system is going in a loop. But I can still get fast downloads like before using the cable modem 64K. It is just that the rest of the system is really sluggish.

Does anyone have any ideas? I am sure this is one of the microsoft hacker hole patching problems they have introduced since it has never happened before.


In the zone
Oh yea, System Idle process still shows up as 80-99% in task manager and no process is taking up more than 1-2% CPU resources. Except the performance tab shows 97% red as in the XP kernel is thinking of something real hard.


In the zone
Okay problem solved :) It was the network adapter drivers. So I am not sure of the fix other than using a different network adapter. I just swapped the network cable from the adapter I was using to the second one which I use to connect my laptop and the CPU usage went back to 10% or so.

Now to go see if MSI has a driver for this RTL8139 chip that works any better...

Seems this is a common problem... //The problem was in my network adaptor. // After Win XP SP2 updates. Some security fix they did affects some of the network drivers.

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