Installing linux with 8500GT card

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Cyborg Agent
After i got my 8500GT card, i am unable to get any display with Ubuntu 7.04 and hence am unable to install it. Please explain how i can install this without the display and then install the drivers for my graphic card.
baccilus said:
After i got my 8500GT card, i am unable to get any display with Ubuntu 7.04 and hence am unable to install it. Please explain how i can install this without the display and then install the drivers for my graphic card.

disable the card in bios.


left this forum longback
as for display-for now just use "vesa" driver.afterwards while u get connected www,download nvidia drivers using synaptic(apt).enable universe,multiverse repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list


Cyborg Agent
praka123 said:
as for display-for now just use "vesa" driver.afterwards while u get connected www,download nvidia drivers using synaptic(apt).enable universe,multiverse repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list

How to do this ^^ ?


left this forum longback
if u got ubuntu successfully installed and after booting first time-ur not getting display-then press keyboard CTRL+ALT+F1 to get a virtual terminal.u must have already set ur username following ubuntu installer(ubiquity).
now login to virtual terminal;u'll get a "$" prompt.
do the following:
:~$ sudo su -
give ur passwd and enter to get a root ("#") terminal.
after getting root terminal run below command:
:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
it will ask u all these things like display etc etc..but when it asks for video driver select (using UP/DOWN,RETURN(enter) and TAB in terminal)
"VESA" as driver.

In Debian and Ubuntu for configuring and tweaking these settings,install using apt these packages for later helps.
"configure-debian" -using terminal -
"gkdebconf" -gui tool
^^ both tools manages "dpkg-reconfigure" for available options.
Now after getting a gui in Ubuntu.configure internet(sudo pppoeconf" -for adsl) and update package cache using "apt" or synaptic pkg manager "reload".
then open synaptic and browse to Nvidia drivers.see below guide for feisty fawn and Nvidia:
a must read guide-

AND if u cant get display even in Ubuntu exactly as what explained above.

the thing is Nvidia got OK kinda drivers for Linux.
ATi drivers for Linux seems pathetic.but there seems hope anyways ;)
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Cyborg Agent
Oh.. Its not even able to install. It just says that it was unable to start the x server. So i am not even able to start the live CD. It also has an option to install in safe(non) graphical mode but i am not sure i can manage it.


left this forum longback
^^ thats where what i explained helps!.just press keyboard CTRL+ALT+F1 to get a virtual terminal.login with ur username and password.follow what i suggested above.sure dude! U can fix this.its easy!
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