Installing Linux from iso image . . . but from ntfs drive

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In the zone
i read about how to install linux from iso image but i have ntfs partition. so can anyone tell me how should i go about to install linux from its iso image using my ntfs formatted disk. . .

I want to use PCQuest Linux 2005.

Note : Moderators i am not offending by posting rival's name. Its just the linux distribution. Anyway if the contents are misleading then please lock the post


Ambassador of Buzz
long shot ,

if u have win98 bootable cd , boot with it , and go to use computer with cd rom or similar option (long time since i been there ;) ) . else use digits old freedos bootable cd and go to free dos and initiate the pcq lin boot process from loadlin . it might be in the dosutils folder in the pcq lin cd 1 .


In the zone
pcq linux 2005 does nothave any dosutils folder. Also my c drive is ntfs formatted. loading with dos will make c drive inaccessible. isn't it .. . . .


Ambassador of Buzz
looks like u answerd ur query in ur previous post itself . remember i said long shot already .

Also my c drive is ntfs formatted. loading with dos will make c drive inaccessible. isn't it .. . . .

u could make a linux boot floppy , instructions might be on the pcq 05 cd itself . when i tried , the vmlinuz files they use to boot up doesnt support ntfs during installation ie , u might not be able to mount the other fs . but since 05 is new , u can give it a shot . u could try mounting an ntfs fs during installation . i think u can switch between installation windows and command lines , during installation , see if u can mount the ntfs fs some how in the command line .

as u might have read already in previous posts , using iso from ntfs is unknown , for now , unless , u have another distro installed which supports ntfs .

another option might be to run it from another linux distro installed on ur system .

do u have pcq 04 ? , check if it has dosutils and loadlin . btw i thought they gave out pcq05 on cds and not iso images ???
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