Install essentials in Fedora with a single click using EasyLife

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Cool G5

Conversation Architect
Everytime one installs a new operating system there are some tasks needed to be performed before one can start using the system. There are many task which one should do after a fresh install like disabling unwanted services, customizing settings etc but here we would talk about the most important task - Installing essentials. Essentials are those software which are required to make a crude system usable. These includes flash player, add-on plugins, media players, codecs & small utility software’s.

Generally, most of the users would hit various sites to download & install the essentials. Some users tend to do the same but via graphical package managers. Though there is nothing wrong in the above methods but these methods tend to consume a lot of time. Even I used to follow the same until I got to know about Easy Life.

Easy Life is a small script written for Fedora systems which makes installing the essentials as easy as 1-2-3. Head over to the site & download Easy Life which corresponds to the version of Fedora installed on your computer. There are no different versions for 32 & 64 bit or KDE & GNOME which should make your life a lot easier. Once installed the application can be launched via Applications>System Tools>easyLife under a GNOME desktop or alternatively via double clicking the icon on the desktop.


Upon launching, the application first enables the rpmfusion repositories which contain most of the essential & restricted third party softwares. You should see a window just like above which contains a list of software’s. The list is quite exhaustive & in most probability you will check most of the boxes. Once you’re done with selection, hit ok & let the software run under the terminal window. You can minimise the window & carry on with your work as easyLife downloads & installs the essentials as per your command. The terminal can be checked occasionally so that you can know the progress. As easyLife completes with its job, it would prompt you with a message. Click ok & the app will self terminate. Now your system is ready to serve you better.

easyLife is intended towards beginners who find it arduous to install the essentials but still I would recommend it to all the users. The reason behind this being the nifty app is a real time saver & should come handy everytime a fresh Fedora install is done. One thing I would like to see in the upcoming versions of easyLife is a modular more comprehensive list which will let users check individual software under the groups.
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