INS Vikramaditya inducted into Indian Navy


Judgement Time!!
the INS vikramaditya will be docked at karwar naval base.Most likely the INS vikrant in 2017-18 will be manning the BoB.India has plans to make 2 more after vikrant in which atleast one might be nuclear powered and CATOBAR.Regarding chinese aircraft carrier, pls note that india has been operating air craft carriers for decades now and has a lot of experience whereas its a new thing for the chinese The real worry is that we may not have support to make 2 carrier battle groups. The navy has to step up its submarine programs.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Why cannot we ourselves make such ships even nuclear powered ones. Why waste so much money on a 30 year old ship which is provided to us like a refurbished GPU or a CPU at a low cost but this ship cost is on par with a new ship.
Recruit more young people and make ships faster than buying from others. It is sheer stupidity and negligence or more to say commission making exercises from such orders.


knocking on heavens door
Why cannot we ourselves make such ships even nuclear powered ones. Why waste so much money on a 30 year old ship which is provided to us like a refurbished GPU or a CPU at a low cost but this ship cost is on par with a new ship.
Recruit more young people and make ships faster than buying from others. It is sheer stupidity and negligence or more to say commission making exercises from such orders.

umm...willpower...and anything which has "nuclear" in their name prompts a group of people to go up in arms against it(regardless of the intention).
And Indian government as of now is pretty lax on the defense part.
they don't really give a damn.


Judgement Time!!
erm india has plans to make a nuclear powered aircraft carrier...At first indian navy wanted to see whether the scientist could make a compact nuclear reactor for the submarine(Arihant).Since we could make it compact enough for the submarine, having a nuclear reactor in a aircraft carrier will be a lot easier. Infact Mr Anil Kakodkar, the ex Director of BARC even offered the navy to put the reactor in an IAC. AFAIK, the navy is seriously considering this option.

Also another point i wanted to discuss is people commenting that india paid equal to a new ship. Pls show me where can you buy a new aircraft carrier for $2.3Bn. I am not disputing the fact that this project indeed cost an arm and a leg but this is sheer exaggeration. Even the likes of U.S and U.K end up spending about $8-9 Bn on an aircraft carrier. The best option is to manufacture locally and this is what we are doing. Just give it time.
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