Incrising 6681's RAM

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Broken In
I have installed Acrobat reader and Flash player on my Nok 6681 mobile, its working for small size files but not for large files.
i checked my mobile RAM via a software, its 20 MB but around 15 MB in use.
i cannot open the files which are more than 3-4 MB in size.
IS there any solution for this problem?


Resident Fanatic
i dont thnk that u can increase ur RAM...
But there sud b a possibilty that u can use ur MMC as a part of RAM.


Google Bot
no way.. U cant increase ur ram.. But u can open big files.. Its not that u cant open files bigger than ur ram.. Ur max free ram is 8 mb.. So u ll hv probs multitasking


Broken In
Thanks for ur replies
is it possible to use MMC as part of RAM? How?:confused:
because when i tried to open flash files or pdf files on my mobile then it displays the error message that 'no enough memory'. :(
so how to overcome to this problem? please!
Thanks in advance.:)


In the zone
del some data on ur system mem(c: drive)...the ones in the c drive...thats the only way u can open larger files.....does ne 1 know why 6681 restarts so often.....(I own 1) is it bcause of some virus or just unavailable mem....:confused:

Crazy Kidd

In the zone
6681 is not a PDA. And yes it is not computer either. So possibility of increasing RAM is nil.

And you can't use MMC as RAM extension.

And pathik's idea of multitasking is a good idea. Follow it.
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