How to use flash drive as RAM in Vista??

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Wise Old Owl
It has been heard ever since vista's release that we can make use of our flash memory like thump drive as RAM in Vista??
how can we eneble it???
And why MS has introduced it...Flash drives are bout a 1000 times slower than normal RAM [suppose 400MHZ in dual channel in 2-3-3-6 shud give 6.4 GBps or 6553.6 MBps, but normal flash memories have merely 10MBps read/write speeds only]
I think it will slow down the PC sevierly, rather than to boost perfomance. Our HDDS has even higher data transfer speeds of some 20~35 MBps. So virtual memory from HDD seems faster in theory.

Its just my assumption. MS wont have introduced this feature if it dun have any advantage-that's sure. So plz nyone help me to do this nd i wanna check if theres ny perfomance boost or some degradation in it.

By the by I have a Kingston 4GB data Traveller which recorded the speed of some 15 for read and 8 for write[random] and sequential was a bit more higher.


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simply insert it in usb port and the autoplay option comes as it comes in XP. there one option called speed boost or ready boost will be present.. i don remember the name properly.. click it.. if ur pen drive is fast enough to go through MS test u can use it.. My friends Kingston pen drive failed the test.. check urs and do let us know! to know more about this feature how it works head on to



Wise Old Owl
he he my Kingston one too didn't pass it. What the hell then MS wants???Its one of the best performer in its class.
The Data traveller 2 is much more costly and even its ony some 5~6 MBps more fast. Is it gonna work if i replaced my corrent one?


Well i was thinking of buying a flash drive as ram but after viewing ur experiences the thought goes to the dustbin.
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