how to speeden ubuntu for an old computer

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Senior Member
i have a p3 800Mhz, 256MB RAM computer. I'm running ubuntu intrepid ibex(8.10). Its very slow on my computer. Is there any way I can make it run in a responsive way by stripping down the OS to the bare minimum. Eg, disable alll fancy graphics (like in XP). is there any way to do that?


Cyborg Agent
*disable compiz

*remove gnome or kde if u are ok with command line

*if u dont underastand above things ....try linux arch, or dsl


In the zone
install LXDE in ubuntu or enlightment! both of them can work in 256MB DDR RAM.. make the login default it..Go to system monitor disable the unnecessary services(CUPS,cron and other) or install ubuntu in alternate CD.. or try crunchbang linux which is openbox DE


Although you have been given quite a few answers Ill give ya my opinion.

1. If you want to stay with Ubuntu then move to a lighter interface like Fluxbox , Enlightenment or whatever. Secondly waste all not essential stuff. Also there should be a post of mine linking how to strip Ubuntu down to a bare minimum ., Wasn't done by me but the author is kmandla a moderator on ubuntuforums. Just do a google search for it or on the forums.

2. In the end you are going to be doing enough work to keep a bare minimum Ubuntu that you are better off going with a light distro . Also as suggested above I would recommend going to Arch Linux as well and use whateverya want.


XFCE is quite light and elegant. I think this is what GNOME should have neem but it went the bloat way.

Currently using Xfce4.6 on Ubuntu on my p-4 and it runs fast.
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