how to run win98 compitble softwares on winxp?

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Ambassador of Buzz
hi mates
can any one tell me how i can run softwares which can be used for 98 .
my uncle gave me a s.w names leo 99 which he runs on 98...
i ve xp sp2, without any prob i installed it... but not able to run it :(
when ever i try to run window shows error reporting....
i tried to make it compitble by
property>compatible>run this program in compitble mode>98
but it wont work
can anyone know any trick....
or sud i ve to install 98 on virtul pc:(
i love this s/w and wanna run it as soon as poss...
plz help me mates

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Some specific programs may have trouble running in XP even thru compatibility modes - search the program website and forums for information regarding patches to help it work in XP... BTW, what is LOE 99?



Right off the assembly line
  • you can install the 98 program as usuall in xp
  • Then go to the programs installation folder and search for its exe file
  • Rightclick on the exe file and select properties
  • select the compatibility tab in the properties
  • Here click on the "run this prog in compatibility mode for.." checkbox and select win98 in the dropdown menu
  • click apply and then try running it!!
  • if thiss does not work then try to search for an emulator for 98 on intenet
  • only as a last resort should u virtualize it!!
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