May be very old question but i m facing a prob today, i purchased new disk 160 GB. Now i want to install win XP pro only. There is no partion now. My first question is how to partion? bcoz FDISK does not detect my drive. it show only 38 GB. Is FDISK capable of partioned HDD-160 GB. Then i have winXP bootable CD. So after booting from CD when i type setup ,is it works? bcoz i think setup.exe is works only in GUI interface!. So how to install xp prof. from dos automatically like 98. means insert CD and type setup and xp installed. that's it. 2 more questn. Win 98 bootable floppy or winXP bootable floppy.... is there any difference or not in terms of providing bootable environment. 2nd is... in net various exes are available for creating bootable floppy. but in todays worlds floppy is outdated. Is there any other way to create bootable CD?. wheneven i use nero to create bootable CD it provides its own boot files but after using those files it install on some "candora DOS" environment ,not our normal dos mode.