How NewYork Times "Throws Apple a Puff Piece"

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Noobie Pro
Paul at Supersite has nicely analysed this article from new york times which hides more than what is reveals!

I usually like The New York Time's John Markoff, but this time he's a bit too friendly with his topic. In this article about Apple's recent PC market share gains, he fails to adequately highlight that the lofty numbers he's citing are US only, and he also conveniently skips over the fact that 4 of the 5 "major" OS X upgrades that Apple has shipped since the original 2001 version have cost Mac customers $129 each time. Windows users, meanwhile, have only had to pay for one upgrade, Vista, in that time. So while Vista may technically be more expensive than OS X, it's also only a one time fee: A Mac user who bought OS X in 2001 and then paid for 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and now 10.5 (10.1 was free) would have spent $645. Kind of makes the cost of Vista Ultimate look like a bargain by comparison. OK, that little bit of perspective out of the way, here's some interesting facts and figures from the article, along with some relevant commentary:
Two research firms that track the computer market said last week that Apple would move into third place in the United States behind Hewlett-Packard and Dell on Monday, when it reports product shipments in the fiscal fourth quarter as part of its earnings announcement.
"I’m quite pleased with the pace of new operating systems every 12 to 18 months for the foreseeable future," Apple CEO Steve Jobs said. "We've put out major releases on the average of one a year, and it’s given us the ability to polish and polish and improve and improve."
The average of one a year? Major releases? LOL. Wow.
It's been two and a half years since the last "major" OS X release, Tiger.
That pace suggests that Apple will continue to move more quickly than Microsoft, which took almost seven years between the release of its Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems.
Aside from the fact that "that pace" is a lie, it also suggests that Apple will continue to charge its customers more often for upgrades than Microsoft. This is a fact that Markoff ignores.
While there are multiple editions of Vista with different features at different prices, the top being the Ultimate edition, Apple has set a single price of $129 for Leopard.
With Leopard, Mr. Jobs joked, “everybody gets the Ultimate edition and it sells for 129 bucks, and if you go on Amazon and look at the Ultimate edition of Vista, it sells for 250 bucks.”
That's so funny. But see my note about this above. That's irrelevant for the reasons I mention at the beginning of this post and because most (over 95 percent) of Windows users don't actually "buy" Windows at retail, they get it with new computers when they upgrade. It's a completely different sales model. Yes, Mac owners also get OS X with new Macs, but Apple sells millions of retail copies of the OS each time it ships an ugprade; clearly, a huge percentage of Mac users feel the need to buy upgrades each time at retail.
Microsoft has also hinted that its next operating system, code-named Windows 7, would not arrive until 2010. At Apple’s current pace, it will have introduced two new versions of its operating system by then.
And charged them another $260. Meanwhile, Windows users will have paid nothing for their service packs and the many, many free upgrades Microsoft ships via Windows Update and the Web. Explain to me again why Apple's way is "better" for users and how, exactly Apple is moving faster than Microsoft.
Apple has not been flawless in its execution. Early this year, it delayed the introduction of Leopard for four months. Mr. Jobs attributed this at the time to the company’s need to move programming development resources to an iPhone version of the OS X operating system.
Steve Jobs originally claimed Leopard would ship before Vista. So this version has not been delayed just four months. Let's get realistic here.
Although Apple may be able to grow briskly by taking Windows customers from Microsoft, the two companies face a similar problem: the industry is maturing and there have been no obvious radical innovations to jump-start growth. Indeed, many of the new features in the Leopard operating system version are incremental improvements.
Please pay attention to this last bit; it's very important and is, in fact, central to my upcoming Leopard review. Apple, like Microsoft, has a problem: OS X, like Windows, is mature. So it's getting hard to ship major upgrades, though Apple has little problem describing evolutionary updates like Leopard as "major updates." Leopard is not a major update. It is however, a solid and respectable continuation of the OS X line. Apple can't market it like that, because no one would buy it. But that's what it is.
What's hilarious here is how the discussion turns from OS X to the iPhone, because there's no huge innovations in Leopard at all, while there are some major innovations in the iPhone. I'll re-use part of the quote above for context so you can see how Markoff effortlessly changes the discussion from the actual topic (the Mac is selling better than ever and here comes Leopard) to an ancillary and almost completely unrelated topic: But hey, let's talk iPhone too. The problem is that the typical NYT reader will never know they've been fooled into making this connection...
Indeed, many of the new features in the Leopard operating system version are incremental improvements. But Mr. Jobs said he was struck by the success of the multitouch interface that is at the heart of the iPhone version of the OS X. This allows a user to touch the screen at more than one point to zoom in on a portion of a photo, for example.
“People don’t understand that we’ve invented a new class of interface,” he said.
He contrasted it with stylus interfaces, like the approach Microsoft took with its tablet computer. That interface is not so different from what most computers have been using since the mid-1980s.
In contrast, Mr. Jobs said that multitouch drastically simplified the process of controlling a computer.
Wow. That has nothing to do with Leopard. But then I'm sure the typical SuperSite reader knows that. The typical NYT reader? Not so much.
So there you go. Sad.

As usual, related to apple, has to be full of lies and mystery!


left this forum longback
Vista is de javoo of windows ME!

Mac OS X Leopard vs Microsoft Windows Vista

There are a few Mac fanatics who aren’t very impressed with what’s coming in Leopard - much like Windows fanatics (and former Windows fanatics) weren’t impressed with Vista. Each camp argues that these OS revisions don’t go far enough - the argument is universal.
However, I can tell you that - with my limited exposure to the latest Leopard beta - OS X 10.5 is a far more user friendly, home network happy, 64-bit operating system for consumers than Windows Vista (even with SP1) could ever hope to be. This isn’t a classic “Apple vs Microsoft” argument so much as it’s a “Windows vs Users” one.
  1. I was amazed to discover that VNC functionality was baked into the Finder - no muss, no fuss. I’ve been using VNC for years, largely because it’s a cross-platform service that’s simple to set up, access, and (ultimately) use. Leopard doesn’t bury the ability to share screens. I simply can’t believe it’s this simple.
  2. Time Machine is backup the way data backup and restoration should be - to a home network, with the right equipment attached. It’s beyond comparison. You shouldn’t need to hire a geek or network admin to get it to work, it’s not buried, and you don’t need to install any third-party software (arguments which throw out any kind of “Windows can do the same thing” argument). In this case, it’s not the actual feature - it’s the finish that’s ultimately important.
  3. Spotlight indexes and searches, with a fair amount of elegance and invisibility, across open machines connected on the network. Windows Desktop Search, last I tried, makes local searching (alone) a pain in the ass. Moreover, I find Spotlight to be a better implementation of Vista’s Start menu - but that may be a personal preference.
  4. Packages and preferences are far easier to manage than Windows programs and klutzy installation routines. There’s a great comment thread on Coding Horror about this very problem. Windows is starting to show its age, and it’s going to have to make major backwards software compatibility sacrifices if it intends on surviving as a desktop OS for much longer.
  5. To my surprise, the Dictionary now has a direct gateway to Wikipedia. While I don’t find Wikipedia to be the ultimate source for information, I do value its community-driven structure. With true identity tied into page edits, it could quickly become the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Contrast this to… well, I guess Windows Vista doesn’t have a built-in equivalent to crowdsourced information. I just thought that was an amazing “little touch” that would come in handy at some point (especially after seeing that if Spotlight doesn’t have results for a keyword search, it’ll spit back a dictionary definition if available for the term).
  6. I appreciate how Apple has handled platform transitions. PowerPC to Intel, 32-bit to 64-bit - there have been a few hiccups along the way, but I’d say that it’s been a much better experience for Mac users than it has for those of us in the Windows world. Certainly, progess can be painful - but how painful should it be for you? Apple can change the rules at any given moment, and the onus is on the dev to make sure compatibility exists (or doesn’t, for whatever reason). The user doesn’t necessarily, and shouldn’t have to, break a sweat.
  7. Personal information management is far more seamless on OS X than it is in Windows. Fundamentally, iCal and Vista’s Windows Calendar do the SAME thing - but iCal’s “To Do” list is linked with Apple Mail. Moreover, .Mac provides a simple gateway for calendar publishing. Apple Mail handles RSS feeds well enough (like Windows Live Mail - which is a different, better client than Windows Mail that doesn’t ship with Vista). Moreover, Apple’s Mail supports Exchange - if only in a limited capacity. I certainly hope the next version of Entourage doesn’t vista itself out of usability.
  8. Help isn’t just documentation, it’s largely directional. I needed to find where to change the network Workgroup for my system. I typed “workgroup” in the System Preferences search box - and OS X macro’ed its way to the proper Preference Pane, tab, and precise field where I could change the setting directly. OMG! The Windows Help system, in stark contrast, feels like an “RTFM” experience (mildly ironic, though far from suprising).
  9. Expose is a far better task switcher than the laughable Flip 3D. Expose isn’t new in Leopard, but Apple has extended desktop usability by adding Spaces. While virtual desktop software has been available for years, Spaces is quite intuitive and clean. It’s no Beryl / Compiz Fusion, but it’s certainly better than giving the user nothing OOTB. It’s all about encouraging users to get out of the “I can only have one program open at a time” mindset.
  10. Despite some Mac advocates discussing “the Coming Leopard Letdown,” it’s not quite like “the Existing Vista Letdown.” Consider comments made by hmurchison:
    Networking - the Finder doesn’t choke when volumes are unmounted. The finder doesn’t seem to choke when a lot of small files are copied.
    Calendar - Not only are Data Dectors back but they’re infused nicely in mail and iCal data can now be written to from 3rd party apps. To Dos are accessible from 3rd parties. If you’re a Productivity hound this is Heaven.
    UI - The GPU now has a dedicated thread for rendering UI. Resolution Independence is included. OpenGL 2.1 is there with enhanced shading support.
    The whole OS is Unix 03 compliant and undergoing certification. The Help menu is vastly better the whole OS is 64-bit yet still runs 32-bit apps natively. QuickTime 32-bit has been deprecated for QTkit 64-bit. QuickTime encodes faster and has alpha support.
    I simply don’t see anything in Leopard as a letdown, just like some Windows fans didn’t see Vista as a letdown. It’s a matter of perspective, needs, and expectations. There’s no UAC, no WGA to contend with. More to the point, there’s only one version of OS X for consumers to purchase.
In short, Leopard is a more user-friendly OS than Windows Vista.
Before you get your panties in a bunch, remember that I can’t stand iTunes - it’s an unwieldy way of managing media (even on OS X). Moreover, I don’t like the way iPhoto manages metadata; I dream of the day Picasa gets ported to the Mac. Not everything that Apple does is pure genius. However, as far as a desktop platform and experience is concerned for the average user, Leopard is an absolute winner. It has 100 more “Wow”s than Windows Vista, and you don’t have to look very far to find ‘em.
Windows and OS X can peacefully co-exist, I believe - so long as Windows is running on either a Boot Camp partition or inside a virtual machine. The power of the PC is that it can support a billion different configurations, but some of us are at the point in our lives where we only need one config to work. I’ve come to this realization, and I don’t find it sad at all - I find it uplifting.
I’ll get attacked by the apologists, and I’m sure I’ll be opening myself up to a whole new wave of attacks. I’d be equally as vocal about user interface inconsistencies on OS X as a I am with Windows (and believe me, there are still plenty of ‘em - as Gruber has attested)!
To switch or not to switch… is becoming less of a question. Yesterday’s arguments simply DO NOT APPLY.


Vista isnt either a big deal.if ur spending money anyway to buy a OS-PC(Linux is there for free much preferred)-then buy the better a Mac with OS X!It is better buying a UNIX(superiror) rather than buying Vista which is famous among windows fanboys only!


Noobie Pro
The article by paul wasn't about the bad point of vista or leopard. It was about the lies and mystery shrouded apple talks!
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