High end gaming on a budget

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Basically, everything other than the CPU, GPU and Ram has to be ultra crappy and cheap, to keep the cost low.

I've thought of the following:

CPU: Phenom 9950 Black/Q6600 (Can't decide which is better between the two?) (~ Rs. 10,000)

GPU: 2x HD 4850 in Crossfire (~ Rs. 18,000)

Ram: 4GB some corsair make (~ Rs. 5000)

Now, I need the rest of the components to be ultra cheap and as shitty as possible. Suggest.

Cheapest Mobo:
Cheapest CPU Cooler:
Cheapest Power Supply:
Cheapest Cabinet:

I already have HDD, optical drives and the typical crap sorted out. Just suggest for some of the above parts.


Excessive happiness
Getting a high end CPU,GPU and RAM, but a cheapest Mobo will sure affect the performance..(Correct me of if i am wrong)
And no cheap mobos comes with Crossfire support except Palit P35A for around 4k...
Try MSI P35/45 Neo F which will costs 5k and 6k respectively..
PowerSafe 500W Silver for 2k
Zebronics Cabinet for around 1k
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