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i have 17 inch CRT monitor SyncMaster750s my graphics is XFX Nvidia GeForce 6200 with 256 RAM when i set my desktop screen in Hi-resolution ....if i restart my pC ...the resolution change automatically into 800x600 to disable this...??


i set my desktop screen in Hi-resolution

wat iz ur definition of high-resolution?

1024x768, 1280x960, 1400x1050, 1600x1200,2048x1536

is the resolution u tryin 2 set ur monitor supported by ur monitor at the refresh rate ur monitor is set for?

if ur monitor supports the resolution den probably ur screen refresh rate is set too high 4 it 2 support d resolution at that rate

enable the option Hide modes that this monitor cannot support in your nvidia control panel and select the options that remain
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