hi guys,so sad no gals here,
anyways.i noticed tht none is talking abt quick wham-bam thanku maam games like quake3,unreal NFS series here.apparantly these games take more nvidia/ati bucks,but is solely the reason why we keep on playing diablo series.i mean diablo is an xlnt game but hw many of us realy feel the need to actualy sit dwn and use sm already stressed out brain man.
gloably also if u check the top charts,its the fps series which genraly rules fr a long time,while here its simply nt possible as they always require,as i said nvidia/ati bucks......r we loving those games only because we have exposed ourselves to rpg seris of games(due to stl manageble hardware assets)....its anothr thng that the most widely sold game has been 'the sims' ....wht do ya say...