Help with routing on dlink router


orthopaedic surgeon

this is my setup:
-have around 25 devices connected on LAN via wifi or wired. Used switch at some places. Dlink router is like the centre of the whole network in terms of connectivity to all devices.
-have a dlink wifi router( connected to BB.
-Have another data card on UBuntu ( running 24x7 connected to LAN and Internet via data card
-by default the gateway is
-Have configured Ubuntu to act as a gateway with NAT

now I have two issues
1) the ip address of Ubuntu has to be manually set which I can do but it gets reset often and I wish to have a scheduled bash script which can set it again at fixed intervals.

2) if I enter the 2nd gateway in any device I can connect to internet but there is lag which I think is due to first gateway as it redirects the traffic to second gateway on internal network. Is there any way that I provide a static route (IP address and LAN number) in the main router so that it does not have to search for the 2nd gateway and directly redirects it.
Or is there any other way I can decrease the latency to my second gateway.

please help me guys....
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