I have Samsung SCX-4200 bought in USA. It accepts 110V AC @5Amps. Pls direct me to a suitabel solution for using it in Mumbai with 220V AC.
It will help if u can respond wrt following :-
1. Cost of replacng the original Power supply of 110V AC with 220V AC through Samsung/3rd party
2. Cost of a StepDown Txformer 220V/110V %amp (Approx 500W)
3. I tried using the 220V to 110V Convertors rated at 1000W but the converter blew up & there was a Spark at printer end also. I don't know if printer is alive or dead. A quick chk with multimeter at printer end showed me that with swithc ON, i get zero Resistance & Infinite with Switch Open.
Pls help me asap
92233 23333
I have Samsung SCX-4200 bought in USA. It accepts 110V AC @5Amps. Pls direct me to a suitabel solution for using it in Mumbai with 220V AC.
It will help if u can respond wrt following :-
1. Cost of replacng the original Power supply of 110V AC with 220V AC through Samsung/3rd party
2. Cost of a StepDown Txformer 220V/110V %amp (Approx 500W)
3. I tried using the 220V to 110V Convertors rated at 1000W but the converter blew up & there was a Spark at printer end also. I don't know if printer is alive or dead. A quick chk with multimeter at printer end showed me that with swithc ON, i get zero Resistance & Infinite with Switch Open.
Pls help me asap
92233 23333