Help, getting shock when I touch backside of cabinet


Ambassador of Buzz
I sometimes have this problem during rainy seasons. My earth is proper. What I did is to connect a good quality cable from the body of the cabinet to one earth point.


Open ur Cabinet and just check if you have any cable touching the frame, coz if aint your earthing will definitely be this!! Also which PSU are u using?


no, its a common issue.. try changing the cord of your PSU and get your mains checked (Which might be hard to do in a hostel)


it is an earthing problem, even i used to have it.. sadly its hard to fix since it requires rechecking the root earthing point in your home..


to test earthing try this "sort of" cheap method.

Get mortein liquidator (or any brand of your liking duh) that has a light to tell that it ON.
now plug-in this liquidator with one pin on the live wire and other on the earth pin. (you will have to mix match to find which one is the live wire. I hope you know which one is the earth. its the top middle one)
If earthing is present - connecting one pin to the live wire and the other to earth will cause the liquidator to start working as if it were connected normally.

Another method is to get a 10w bulb and bulb holder with an open wire connected. Now with this, connect one wire to live and another to earth, the bulb should glow if earthing is proper.
If it does not glow, perform this experiment in front of the hostel officials to prove them wrong.

Check your PSU if earthing is working properly.
the PSU and or PSU power cord can be at fault here.
PSU has a tiny wire hardwired from earth pin to the chassis of the PSU which then extends to your PC cabinet.


to test earthing try this "sort of" cheap method.

Get mortein liquidator (or any brand of your liking duh) that has a light to tell that it ON.
now plug-in this liquidator with one pin on the live wire and other on the earth pin. (you will have to mix match to find which one is the live wire. I hope you know which one is the earth. its the top middle one)
If earthing is present - connecting one pin to the live wire and the other to earth will cause the liquidator to start working as if it were connected normally.

Another method is to get a 10w bulb and bulb holder with an open wire connected. Now with this, connect one wire to live and another to earth, the bulb should glow if earthing is proper.
If it does not glow, perform this experiment in front of the hostel officials to prove them wrong.

Check your PSU if earthing is working properly.
the PSU and or PSU power cord can be at fault here.
PSU has a tiny wire hardwired from earth pin to the chassis of the PSU which then extends to your PC cabinet.
The switch is broken now. I will test this after they change the switch.


Update- their is earthing.but its weak.Not enough for computer.thats what electrician said.they changd the board and earth wire connected from board to ground.Problem solved.No More shock :razz: Thanks evryone for the help
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