

finally made it to rank 17 for the first time :p I don't have good cards , collecting arcane dust for savanna highmane and call of wild :(


[MENTION=118706]Alok[/MENTION] Here it is. Its Cthun control warrior. The main focus of this deck is to drag the game and finish it with either Cthun or legendaries from Elise Starseeker. I'll mention all the cards usage below and how much important are they in deck

Execute- Compulsory. Its the only removal for warrior from basic cards
Shield Slam- If have one or two in collection, then must add. Otherwise, leave it, required good amount of dust.
Beckoner of Evil- Compulsory in any Cthun deck, good 2 mana 2/3 body
Fiery war axe- Best 2 mana card in entire HS library
Slam- Good to have, gives some nuke dmg with card draw ability. Synergies with Execute
Acolyte of Pain- for card draw. Synergies with many Warrior cards
Brann Bronzbeard- Obtained from LoE adventure. Good to have if you have legendaries like Twin Emporer/ Justicer trueheart/ C'thun and work decently with Cthun cards like Disciple of cthun to deal 4 dmg instead of 2.
Disciple of cthun- Cthun card, and some nuke good to have
Protect the king- Im just experimenting with it right now, sometimes works well against face decks like aggro shaman, face hunter and zoolock
Ravaging ghoul- Works well against aggro decks most of the time esp Zoolock. You can combine it with Brann to deal 2 dmg to all minions. Synergies with Acolyte of pain and Execute
Shield block- Good card for draw, some armor is always good against aggro decks. Works well with Shield slam
Bloodhoof Brave- Not many people use this card but I like it. It works esp good against aggro decks. Even if not, enemies are forced to use their removal cards on him.
Cthun Chosen- Good Cthun card and bonus divine shield. Enemy sometimes have to use removals on it
Elise Starseeker- obtained from LoE adventure. Its one of the main card in slow/ control decks. Good 3/5 body
Crazed Worshipper- I had 1 card in collection so i added it. Working fine so far. Nice taunt body. Player will either have to use removal on him else, trade hits making Cthun stronger
Emporer Thaurissan- Obtained from BMt. adventure. Decent body but very good effect of decreasing mana costs of all cards by 1 in hand. Enemies will always remove this card in their turn if they have removal.
The Black Knight- I got it from packs so I added it. Pretty decent against most decks. Bad against aggro decks. Very much optional.
Ancient Shieldbearer- Compulsory- Synergies with Brann. I won so many matches just because I had Bran and this card in hand. Used both in 1 turn for 20 armor. Aggro decks player hate this card
Twin Emporer- Very much important. I was lucky to get it from card packs. Works awesome with Brann as it gives 3 taunts of 4/6 body
Doomcaller- Optional. Very useful if game goes very late. Gives you a 2nd Cthun if your 1st one died. PS: You Cthun shouldnt be hexed/ polymorphed/ entombed afaik
Soggoth- Got it from packs. Added it coz its good taunt who is immune to spells. So emeny will always have to trade hits. Spells like Brawl/ Equality/ mass silence can ruin his effect... I dont have Justicer Trueheart so I added this

Last card which isnt visible is Cthun himself

So thats my decklist. Im missing some cards though, which are often used in Cthun Control warrioir deck, like
1 more Shield slam
2* Brawl
Gorehowl weapon
Grommash Hellscream legendary
Justicer Trueheart


[MENTION=89186]Piyush[/MENTION] thanks a lot , I dont have Twin Emperor , will use something as replacement


Killing Machine
Wow. I somehow missed sub-ing to this thread till now.

Is the welcome bundle worth $5?

EDIT: Basically what I mean is. Can I avoid purchasing this and collect the cards in a different way in-game without spending real money? Will these legendaries be exclusive to this welcome pack? I just started playing couple weeks ago. Pretty much in early stages right now. Have not even collected the basic cards for all classes yet.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I don't think you need it but the alternative is to grind.

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Wow. I somehow missed sub-ing to this thread till now.

Is the welcome bundle worth $5?

EDIT: Basically what I mean is. Can I avoid purchasing this and collect the cards in a different way in-game without spending real money? Will these legendaries be exclusive to this welcome pack? I just started playing couple weeks ago. Pretty much in early stages right now. Have not even collected the basic cards for all classes yet.

The only alternative to not spending money and still getting cards is by grinding. Daily quests, tavern brawl once a week (aka free classic pack), arena if you feeling lucky (but needs at least 3 wins for it to be worthwhile).

The legendaries in welcome pack will still be from classic pack series. So its pretty random, you might get the most valuable legendaries like Ragnaros, Sylvannas, Cairne etc or get bad ones like LoreWalker Cho, Nat Pagle, etc...

IF you are genuinely interested in continuing playing this game, i can write down some tips which will come handy to you in the beginning.


Killing Machine
The only alternative to not spending money and still getting cards is by grinding.

IF you are genuinely interested in continuing playing this game, i can write down some tips which will come handy to you in the beginning.
Sure, that'd be great. Thanks. And yeah, grinding is what I've been doing all this time with the daily quests and challenges.

I recently came to know that we can purchase the adventures with coins as well (I was under the assumption that you can only pay with $). But lets say, I want to spend real money - [MENTION=25969]a_k_s_h_a_y[/MENTION] suggested to use play store to get the in-game content which would be slightly cheaper than paying in USD. So I have downloaded and installed. I read that people buy Amazon coins and use the Hearthstone on Amazon app store to purchase content which rewards you cashback in Amazon coins (30% or something), so the savings is more. That method works now? How do you guys purchase usually?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
IMHO grinding is not so bad in Hearthstone. Do your daily quests to get about 100+ gold every 2-3 days. Plus you get a basically free classic pack every week due to Tavern Brawl.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk


Sure, that'd be great. Thanks. And yeah, grinding is what I've been doing all this time with the daily quests and challenges.

I recently came to know that we can purchase the adventures with coins as well (I was under the assumption that you can only pay with $). But lets say, I want to spend real money - [MENTION=25969]a_k_s_h_a_y[/MENTION] suggested to use play store to get the in-game content which would be slightly cheaper than paying in USD. So I have downloaded and installed. I read that people buy Amazon coins and use the Hearthstone on Amazon app store to purchase content which rewards you cashback in Amazon coins (30% or something), so the savings is more. That method works now? How do you guys purchase usually?
I only use in game gold, i have enough lying around whenever there is some expansion or adventure.
And ya, amazon coins work, many people use it , a couple of guys from tdf as well. Though i am too lazy to do all those things so i just pay with in game gold.


First of all, make at least one class reach lvl 20 so that you can participate in Tavern Brawls. Every week there is a different Brawl, winning in it gives you a Classic card pack. 1 pack per week. Brawl goes live every Wed night/ Thurs morning depending on the time zone I think.
Then get all classes to lvl 10 to get the basic cards.
Meanwhile keep re-rolling the daily quests until they are better than 40 gold reward ones. If you get 3 quests with 40 gold each, do the easiest one. For first month or so, the frequency of 40 gold quests is much higher than the 50+ gold ones. Dont get discouraged if you keep getting 40 gold quests.
Your 1st Arena run is free. If you havent done it yet, make sure to watch some streams if you have free time. Arena is only good if you have decent knowledge on cards info, both your and enemy's.
You will get a legendary minion in you first few classic card packs. The 1st legendary card is pretty early to grab. Just a note.
Dont disenchant/ enchant cards as of now.
There are also, 1 time do-able quests in HS. They will reward you card packs/ 100 gold. Check this page. It has both daily rewards table and *unique / 1 time do-able quests. *


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
What decks are you guys using to climb the ranked ladder this season?

I have been using my custom semi-control C'thun shaman.

2x Tunnel Trogg
2x Beckoner of Evil
1x Stormcrack
2x Totem Golem
2x Disciple of C'thun
2x Feral Spirit
1x Lava Burst
2x Lightning Storm
2x Mana Tide Totem
2x Tuskarr Totemic
2x Twilight Elder
2x C'thun's Chosen
1x Fireguard Destroyer
2x Flamewreathed Faceless
1x Bloodlust
1x Thing from below
1x Twin-emperor Vek'lor
1x Doomcaller
1x C'thun

What do you think?


ladder is filled with aggro shaman and zoo locks with a bit hint of nzoth paladins and resurrect priests. Ah and dont forget about tempo mage, f**k them

Im using Cthun Cntrol, which i shared on last page.


the new welcome bundle is great, buy it on release. 5%
check prices in game and playstore, use cheapest.

amazon coins is US only, so you could try that as well.


made it to rank 15 :p

- - - Updated - - -

the new welcome bundle is great, buy it on release. 5%
check prices in game and playstore, use cheapest.

this is the best deal anywhere :goblin voice:

- - - Updated - - -

I hope to get King Krush out of this welcome pack :p


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I personally think that King Krush is not a very good legendary. 8 damage charge for 9 mana is not much value IMHO.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
What decks you guys using in this week's Tavern Brawl?

I am using Priest: Shieldbearer, Divine Spirit and Inner Fire

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