Has anyone played tabletop RPGs in India ?


Cyborg Agent
Have only seen about these in western movies or shows. Learned about the existence of these not too long ago. Only have a vague idea about these are. But the words 'table top RPG' sound interesting. Anyone played these in India? Or actively plays ?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I don't think table top RPGs are a thing in India, or at least its a very small niche. I had seen some pics of some Indians playing Magic The Gathering but such people are very few and far between.

However, due to sites like roll20: Roll20: Online virtual tabletop for pen and paper RPGs and board games we can now collaborate online for playing tabletop RPGs.

That being said, I would like to play Warhammer 40k table top someday, but I don't really have much time these days.


The most I've convinced my friends of doing is playing cards against humanity but that took too much effort to convince but the outcome was worth it lol


Sith Lord
Staff member
it took about a year, but convinced my friends to play a bunch of tabletop games and they are really, really into it now!
But tabletop RPGs are a totally different thing. One group started to play D&D, but almost everyone gave up at the character selection stage itself.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^its a combination of board and card. Sometimes, even apps. We play Risk, Settlers of Catan, King of Tokyo, Camel Up, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Carcassonne, Azul, 7 Wonders, Monopoly Deal, F* That, Psyche!, Heads Up! and Anomia

Favorite one is Codenames


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Perhaps we can collaborate and play a DnD game someday? My main gripe is that there are so many editions that I don't know where to start from.

Though I am more keen on trying out Vampire The Masquerade. It's my second most favourite universe after Warhammer 40k.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I actually wanna play warhammer lol, is that possible? And that is not an RPG right?
There are a couple of RPGs set in Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy. All the RPGs set in Warhammer 40k are given here: Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay - Wikipedia

In Dark Heresy, the players assume the roles of Acolytes working for an Inquisitor, who sends them on various missions. Depending on the type of mission, gameplay can involve investigation, combat, intrigue, or other genres. The Game Master is able to tailor their campaign to suit their player group through this flexibility. Since the players work for an Inquisitor, most missions involve rooting out heresies or matters relating to them. The game allows for many other missions, including wiping out dangerous gangs, gathering evidence of corruption, dealing with alien threats or eliminating rogue psykers.[3]

In Rogue Trader, players take the role of a Rogue Trader and their crew as they operate outside the stellar and legal boundaries of the Imperium of Man (Imperium). The book provides, among other things, rules for interplanetary commerce and spaceship operation, travel, combat, and customization.[4]

In Deathwatch, players take the role of surgically modified super humans known as Space Marines. These individuals are recruited from their native Chapters (fighting units of approximately 1,000 people) to serve as a military arm of the Inquisition, against particularly dangerous heretics known as Chaos worshipers and alien lifeforms known as Xenos.[5]

In Black Crusade, players take the role of Chaos-corrupted characters. Black Crusade, essentially, is the corrupted version of previously mentioned Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying games. Characters are cast in the role of the villain, with the players actively working against the Imperium and for the forces of Chaos in the sector.[6]

In Only War, each player takes the role of an Imperial Guardsman, one of the billions of hardened conscripts constantly fighting on myriad fronts at the whim of the Earth-based government of the Imperium (Adeptus Terra).[7]

Black Industries chose to set Dark Heresy in a previously unknown sector of the game's fantasy universe, the Calixis Sector, within the Segmentum Obscurus. This sector lies adjacent to Scarus Sector, which is the setting of Dan Abnett's Eisenhorn trilogy. Calixis is similarly adjacent to the Koronus Expanse, the setting of Rogue Trader, and to the warzone on the edge of the Periphery Sub-Sector, the setting of Only War.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oh wow, was talking about the actual warhammer game, but these sound incredibly interesting too. There is so much to this universe haha.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
The problem is that it's hard to get rulebooks in India. And even if you do, they are pretty damn expensive.


Sith Lord
Staff member
haha was thinking the figurines and those area of effect scales were more difficult...
There is tabletop simulator which has workshop versions of warhammer
but that does not look like as much fun


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
haha was thinking the figurines and those area of effect scales were more difficult...
There is tabletop simulator which has workshop versions of warhammer
but that does not look like as much fun
The table top looks fun, if a bit slow because that's how these games usually go.
You should check out this guy's channel, he does a ton of such gameplay videos.
There's also the Miniature War Gaming youtube channel.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
So we started playing DnD on Sunday. Didn't get much done but I must say it was pretty fun.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Yeah, it was more fun than the last time I tried it, which was only text based, with char sheets that were not so well fleshed out. We went mechanically through the motions of playing a campaign, without so much roleplaying. This DM is cool for doing voice acting and making sure that everyone gets the most out of their characters. Also, more experienced players.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Are You guys playing this online or physically in same room, like Stranger Things?
Yeah, it was more fun than the last time I tried it, which was only text based, with char sheets that were not so well fleshed out. We went mechanically through the motions of playing a campaign, without so much roleplaying. This DM is cool for doing voice acting and making sure that everyone gets the most out of their characters. Also, more experienced players.
Man, he really takes this stuff seriously.
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