Graphics Card query

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I have got a friends staying in the USA .

He has recently come to India. He wants to buy the EA sports Cricket 2005 game CD.Now he is facing a problem . He read on the box that the game requires a ,

:) "32MB accelerated graphics card."

Now he is wondering what he should do as he has got an ,

:) "Integrated GeForce 2 GPU ( Graphics processor unit card ) already in his system.

Will the requirement about the graphics card be satisfied with what he already has installed in his system.

If not then which card should he purchase for the system and about how much will it cost him.

Should he buy it here or there.

Also, what is the difference between Geforce 1, 2, 3

Please help me so that I can pass on the message to him.

If you need any more details or if anybody is using this Game please do help.

Thanks a lot for your time and patience.


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Go to start -> run and type dxdiag.exe. There explore the diff tabs, ull get the information about how much vRAM your gfx card has.


Just Do It
Posted in wrong sectio, there is a hardware review section.

Ur query regdg graphix cards can be posted here or found here.



kalpik ,

You told me to do dxdiag.exe. I tried it . But since I cant sit on his comp I tried it on mine and I have attached a screen shot of what I felt was .

You said vRam but I did not find anything.

Please tell me if what is highlighted in this picture is correct and what u are meaning.

[Edit: drgrudge] Post thumbnails in case it's a large picture


Cyborg Agent
"32MB accelerated graphics card." is a rather vague specification because performance can differ widely between graphics cards having the same amount of graphics memory (or VRAM for Video memory). E.g., a GeForce 4 Ti with 32MB will be many times better than a TNT2 card with 32MB. These are nVidia-based graphics cards, and there are also many other 32MB cards with widely differing performance levels..

"Integrated GeForce 2 GPU" means he has a motherboard using the nForce chipset with onboard graphics. This was pretty good when it came out some three years ago, but by current standards it's good enough only for games with modest graphics requirements.

Unfortunately I have never tried the game Cricket 2005, so I really have no idea what its graphics requirements are. Can anyone help out here ?


I have got a friends staying in the USA .
He has recently come to India. He wants to buy the EA sports Cricket 2005 game CD.Now he is facing a problem . He read on the box that the game requires a ,
"32MB accelerated graphics card."
Now he is wondering what he should do as he has got an ,
"Integrated GeForce 2 GPU ( Graphics processor unit card ) already in his system.
Will the requirement about the graphics card be satisfied with what he already has installed in his system.
If not then which card should he purchase for the system and about how much will it cost him.
Should he buy it here or there.
Dude, if your friend is buying a legitimate copy of the game then ask him to buy it when he comes back to US, why the rush? It'll cost him muchos less here and he'll also be able to return the game if his computer doesn't run it.

As for his computer supporting the game, I ain't sure but most prolly it'll. Again, if in doubt, buy it from US. The simple and obvious answer.



Wire muncher!
this game will run on the nforce motherboard wid integrated geforce gpu. i work on a machine wid the similar mobo. but please make sure that at least 32mb is allocated as vram in the bios. the game will run but he may not have all the eye candy turned on. the igp cant handle all the eye candy. but the games will run.
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