Graphic card related Questions for experts & gamers

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Guys I need your views on these three questions:-

Q 1 :- I want to ask can I play each & every games on 9800GTX at a resolution of 1280X1024 for next 3 years or not, if not than for how much time can I play each & every games on 9800GTX at this resolution?

Q 2 :- I want to ask for how much time can I play each & every games on 9800GX2 at a resolution of 1280X1024.

Q 3 :- I want tot ask can I play each & every games on 9800GX2 at a resolution of 1680X1050 for next 3 years or not, if not than for how much time can I play each & every games on 9800GX2 at this resolution?

I know guys that these questions may sound stupid but I need your views on it.


Intel OCer
Games do not only depend on the resolution...u need to be more specific i.e. u wanna play it at Very hi,hi or med and also do u want any AA(anti aliasing) enables...ter are alot of factors. However i will try to answer u :
Q1)U can play all games except maybe somethin like crysis 2 at highest settings no AA or maybe 2x-4x for another 1 to 1.5 years...u can play all games at high settings for maybe 1.5-2 yrs...if u dont mind mid or low quality u can play for even more tan 5 yrs(I suggest ATIs 3870x2 rather tan this card)
Q2)With 9800Gx2 u can play all current games till the forseeable future at highest settings even with a lil AA. And for future games with no AA for 2-2.5yrs...if u want to play at lower settings ten its not worth getting this card
Q3)Even at such a high resolution the 9800Gx2 will defly last atleast another 2 yrs
Its really hard to predict though as we do not know wat kind of demands future generations will have....its all just may come true or it may not...


Super Moderator
Staff member
1. 6 months or 1 year and maximum.
2. As long as you want - provided you leep your card in recommended temperature.
3. 1and 1/2 year or 2 year maximum.


Evolving Rapidly...
9800gtx is waste of money ATM. buying 8800gt sli is the most VFM at the moment. and i dont see it changing soon.

check out this:*

and compile list of current indian prices for those cards and see for your self.


No pain....No gain
Get HD3870X2 and if required crossfire it to quad gpu. Much better option than 9800gtx and 9800GX2. Or else get XBOX360 or PS3 as saurav has most of the games released are available on these consoles.


Rising ApocalypsE
Nicely put amitash!
There is actually no certainty that what we will see after 2 years, games age getting graphics intense more and more now days, there might be a possibility that the even 9900GTX in Tri-SLI will fail to give decent frame rates after 2 years.
Ask urself, I think its been more than 2 years since it's launch? Does 7900GTX makes thing good enough with latest games?

nVidia has already shown life like graphics in their demo's and its requirement is 8800Ultra but there are very less people with 8800Ultra. U can download the Human Head Demo here
We able to run this at 8800GT at my friend's place but with extreme slow frame rates.
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