OK, so my GPU which I've been using for the past 3 years has suddenly stopped working on my PC.
It doesn't give display and overheats excessively.
I thought the problem was with the GPU itself so I cleaned it thoroughly and tried it on a friend's PC and it worked without any problems, no overheating either.
But when I insert it on my PC the same problem occurs again and it doesn't give display and overheats within a minute.
I haven't tried using another card yet but everything works fine without the graphics card.
So any ideas as to what the specific problem might be?
My PC is a bit old now and I'm considering upgrading but only if its absolutely necessary.
Specs are:
Core 2 Duo E7300
Intel DG31PR
XFX Radeon HD5670
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
It doesn't give display and overheats excessively.
I thought the problem was with the GPU itself so I cleaned it thoroughly and tried it on a friend's PC and it worked without any problems, no overheating either.
But when I insert it on my PC the same problem occurs again and it doesn't give display and overheats within a minute.
I haven't tried using another card yet but everything works fine without the graphics card.
So any ideas as to what the specific problem might be?
My PC is a bit old now and I'm considering upgrading but only if its absolutely necessary.
Specs are:
Core 2 Duo E7300
Intel DG31PR
XFX Radeon HD5670
Any input would be greatly appreciated.