Google launches GigaPan Time Machine! Freaking Awesome!


The Power of x480
Staff member
Google's new "GigaPan Time Machine" application, lets you zoom in and out of a time-lapse video without losing resolution.

Each Time Machine on this page captures a process in extreme detail over space and time, with billions of pixels of explorable resolution. Choose a time machine and zoom into the image while traveling backwards or forwards through time. Select a Time Warp and the time machine’s authors will take you on a guided space-time tour with text annotations explaining what you are viewing. You can even learn how to create your own Time Machines and Warps.

thinkdigit Article:

Main Site:
GigaPan Time Machine

Video Demonstration:


Make Way the LORD is Here
WTF? it does not work on firefox now i have to install stupid safari or chrome to view it... and i'm not going to do it
i just hate it when this happens... why cant they support all browsers


The Power of x480
Staff member
lol.. Its not a matter of grave concern bro. I think they are gonna add support for firefox soon.

PS: Dont you keep Chrome installed as a backup, for such cases?
For me, I keep FF, Chrome and also Opera! IE is preinstalled :)) (Just in case)


Make Way the LORD is Here
Opera main browser...
Firefox as backup... (it has the highest market share after IE so all websites should support it)

now how many more browsers should i keep installed? what would be the point if i have all of 'em installed :mad:
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