FS : AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Socket 939

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Broken In
Ok, i have an AMD athlon 64 3200+ socket 939 proccy for sale.

Purchased this in Dec. 2005 so it should still have about 20 months of the original 3 yr. warranty cover left.

Never been overclocked, always been run at stock speeds and voltages. Was in use till a couple of days back, now i've moved to dual core so need to get rid of this.

What you get : proccy as stated above, original HSF, certificate of originality/warranty. I've lost the box so its now packaged in an old sempron box i had *www.techenclave.com/forums/images/smilies/happy19.gif

Location of item is New Delhi. Price : Rs. 2150 delivered in India.
Rs. 2100 if the buyer picks it up.
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