Freelancer software development

Darshan Singh

Broken In
Jan 17, 2005
Hi guys,
I have B.Tech. and M.E. degrees in Computer Science. I am now working in the Government Sector in a
non tech field. I am very dissatisfied from this job as I want to work in Software field. I
want to work as a Freelancer Software developer. There are many sites which offer such
services such as odesk. I can learn development on my own but I have talked to some and they
say that some experience in a software company is a must which is not an option for me right
now considering the circumstances around me. I myself looked for projects on odesk and found
that they required expertise and even if I learn development thoroughly, it would be
difficult to know how to start development on such projects.

I want your opinion on what procedure should I follow. I am a hard working person and can
sit and work for many hours continuously. Please give some advice on how can I start working as a Freelancer developer.
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