fedora core2 x86_64 on amd64

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I just installed fedora core2 x86_64 on my amd64 3000+ system. I am new to linux. Any website where I can get the basics on linux-- installations, filesystems, networking etc. fundamentals clear?
Also, which issue of digit has anything on this?

Also, when i try to install some applns(flash player for eg, ) on this, it says that it is only meant for x86 architecture. where can i get software for x86_64?

Is any other version of linux recommended for my system?


FooBar Guy
Go to *www.tldp.prg : The Linux Documentation Project site... it has a lot of articles and documentation there .... you just need some time to browse through.... Do not read Digit as it has limited content on Linux .... you might want to read a dedicated magazine for Linux like LFY...

i have not really used on a system like ur's .... can you elaborate what exactly your problem is... with some more error messages that you got...
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