F10 Installed ! Help Needed

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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Since I have got a new system. .I finaly thought of istallling a better 64bit system.. So I installed F10 X64..

Few questions..

1. Despite having ATI Graphics Plymouth isn't shwoing up. Though I can see it in i386 vers.. Pleas etell me how to enable it ?
2. How to install restricted/nonfree software ? From RPM Fusion ?
3. Pleas tell me few quick get used to Fedora guide ? :p
4. F10 has ATI drivers in repo or I have to manually install the ?

Also I noticed F10 using 512 Mb ram in Gnome 64bit. while MDV 2009.0 was using 380 something.. 64bit uses more ram or its Fedora ? Though I have 4 Gb usage is no concern.. But still I am curious..

Please let me know about this.. Looking forward to Hitboxx reply :)

Regards :p
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I too installed F10 32-Bit KDE 4 today. Thought that 64-Bit one might cause trouble(Flash n all) so installed 32-Bit. I have both 64 and 32 Bit versions:D
Hey Dark Star may I also ask my probs on your thread? No highjack intended.


Broken In
Hi, i'm also a Fedora 10 64bit user and i think i might answer a few of your questions.

1. I'm not sure if ATi fully supports Linux yet, but generally the plymouth also won't work on some NVidia cards too, however a simple trick can help you here, add 'vga=0x318' to the kernel line at grub menu, this will make vesa handle the boot graphics and you can see the boot graphics. Also 'vga=ask' will generally tell the resolutions your card can handle, add the one relevant. If all goes well, permanently add it to /boot/grub/grub.conf

2. Check *rpmfusion.org/Configuration for RPMFusion repo installation. Once all setup, you better install 'yumex' which is a GUI to yum, then search for and install all things with 'gstreamer', 'ffmpeg' in their names. Thus all codecs and stuff will be installed. Once you start yumex, it is quite easy to search and install can can browse the packages through groups, repos, etc..However another important package for reading dvds called 'libdvdcss' isn't available in RPMFusion due to legal issues in US. It is still there in the old Livna repo. You can either add that as a repo too following *rpm.livna.org or manually download and install from the same site.

3. Many guides are available, however, *fedorasolved.org/ and *www.mjmwired.net/ should get you started.

4. I'm not sure as I never bothered with ATi, use yumex again.

For the RAM thing, I think it could be because of the new things(fresh code) that Fedora implements constantly in the distro, eg., Xorg in Fedora is much newer than Mandriva. It will take time to mature.


Always confused
are your problems solved? I too want to install fedora 64bit on my lappy and want to know your experience.
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