Extra-Punch with Xtra-Power-Boosting Graphic-cards???HELP!!!

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Right off the assembly line
Hello friends!!
This is vinod from Bangalore. I am a new patron to this
Digit discussion forum. I am really interested to upgrade my system
with one of the entry level graphics cards(Price:not more than Rs.3000)
that can give optimum performance with all the latest 3D-games.
I am also eager to know about tweaks in hardware to get maximum
performance while rumbling on action-packed 3D-games.

My System Configuration is as follows:
Pentium III Processor (1.1 Ghz clock speed)
Mercury motherboard(model:kob-33a)
chipset(intel 815E-TFSX with an AGP slot(64MB))

I would like to know whether I can assemble nvidia-graphics cards
or Ati-Radeon-Graphics cards with this configuration.
Please post me your bright ideas to the following e-mail-id:vinleo_007@indiatimes.com or vinod_007y@yahoo.com
(Tip:Get that Extra-Punch with Extra-Power-Boosting 1GB-DDR-RAM)

Thanking you, yours faithfully,


Right off the assembly line
well you can use cards from both brands. no problems. todays cards come with AGP 8x. most probably your board is 4x or even 2x. but fret not. the cards can scale down. which means you can stick in a 8x card on a 4x board. you don't have to anything else. at the most set the agp level to 4x or what ever is the maximun setting allowed.

todays agp standard is 3.0. i think the old one is i think 2.0. or something like that. but don't worry about these numbers.

you can buy any card for your board. depends on how deep your pocket. but stick Dx9 cards. atleast Fx5200/fx5700 or Ati 9600se/pro( which is better )

fx5200 should be about 4500
fx5700 about 8000 to 15000

ati9600se/pro about 8000.

all these prices vary. since you live in blore, you can visit sp rd and get the things sorted. there is one card Gainward Fx5900 ultra 128 mb for about 14000 from sp rd. this particular brand is really good. much better than the standard brands like asus, gigabyte, msi.

also try a brand called smedia. whose pricing is really cheap for the same chip.


Cyborg Agent
Dude for 3k you won't get any xtra punch ......... At the most a Geforce 4 or if you are lucky then the Fx 5200. Both are lame cards imo, but good enough if you are playing on lower resolutions and lesser details.


Ambassador of Buzz
Your motherboard supports max. 4x agp.
You did not specify the bus speed of ur sdram.
For i815 must be PC133SDRAM.
So there is no support for upgrading to DDR ram.
You will not get a DX9 card 3k or atleast for the next 6 to 8 months.
Entry level cards are available such as the GEForce MX card for 1500 to 2k.
But you want to play the latest games.
Your pc configuration is very old and its not worth spending money on this system.
I suggest rather than upgradation just buy a brand new system or forget playing the newer games.
Or just wait & watch for some time cause i m sure in a period of 6 to 8 months the current high end DX9 cards will be be at the entry level.
Better wait & watch for some time.
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