Excel Problem

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Wandering In Tecno Land
Hi I have a spreadsheet in which I wanna do something like subtracting the values I entered today from that of tomorrow automatically

Basically I have cells like this
Cell 1 Pages Read Day 1
Cell 2 Pages Read Day 2
Cell 3 Pages Read Day 3 and so on..............................
Cell X Today's Pages Read Today
So I want that when i put something in cell 1
and then the other day in cell 2 and the next day in cell 3 it should show up in profit as cell2 - cell1 on the second day & cell3 - cell2 on the third day but the input should be just once each day :) :)
But that seems easy isn't it :D :D


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Sounds simple, why dont you just use a formula, profit3 = cell2 - cell1

I dont think I got what you're trying to say... nevermind. :)


Wandering In Tecno Land
Dude what u said is right
But I want soemthing that can do it everyday
Such that value I entered yesterday must be remembered by file*files.myopera.com/Tamil/Smilies/Bang.gif


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Once you save it, it will be stored within the file, and when you open it the next day it will still be there.

edit: can you upload a sample excel file?


Wandering In Tecno Land
^^ Actually that's a little personal else I would've uploaded *files.myopera.com/Tamil/Smilies/BigGrin.gif
So let me tell you what the problem
Say I read upto page 10 today and the next day I'm read upto page 21 & the 3rd I read
upto 26
So what's in the file is I put page 10 in day 1 the page 21 in day 2 (on day 2)
Then it should show me in pages read coloumn =11
But on day 3 when I enter 26 it should show me 26-21 ie 5 (Today pages -yesterday Pages) & that's what I want
Which isn't happening*my.opera.com/community/graphics/smilies/bug.gif
I am unable to subtract today's pages from yesterday ones

The case is simple if you look with the fact that there are 2 days but it gets complicated if you look with 3 or more days

What I want is something that can subtract today from yester day whether that's day 2-day1 or day 25-day 24*files.myopera.com/Tamil/Smilies/Oo.gif
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