ECC and Non-ECC memory ?

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The Hardware Labs
hey guyz , many a times i have come across these terms ECC Memory and Non ECC memory. Please tell me wht is the difference between the two and which is better ? Please give a detailed comparison and also mention their compatibility with respective platforms. Thnx.

Doc Holliday

Broken In
Hi Mohit,

ECC is basically a method of correction of errors in memory. The other method is parity (that is also covered in the source page). If you read both the topics, you will appreciate why ECC is better and therefore used in mission-critical high-end computers, servers, etc.

As far as platform compatibility is concerned, your motherboard should support it. Not all motherboards do that.

Hope this helps,


Source: *


Error Correction Code is the data integrity checking method used primarily in high-end PCs and file servers. The important difference between ECC and parity is that ECC is capable of detecting and correcting 1-bit errors. With ECC, 1-bit error correction usually takes place without the user even knowing an error has occurred. Depending on the type of memory controller the computer uses, ECC can also detect rare 2 bit memory errors. While ECC can detect a multiple-bit errors, it cannot correct them. However, there are some more complex forms of ECC that can correct multiple bit errors.

Using a special mathematical sequence, algorithm, and working in conjunction with the memory controller, the ECC circuit appends ECC bits to the data bits, which are stored together in memory. When the CPU requests data from memory, the memory controller decodes the ECC bits and determines if one or more of the data bits are corrupted. If there's a single-bit error, the ECC circuit corrects the bit. In the rare case of a multiple-bit error, the ECC circuit reports a parity error.
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