DoT blocks Pastebin,, GitHub, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and many other sites


Allllright !
India blocks Pastebin,, GitHub, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and many other sites - GSMArena Blog

India’s DoT or Department of Telecom has randomly ordered internet service providers across the country to block a long list of websites. The names include the likes of Pastebin,, GitHub, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and many others.


Many of the names in the list are sites meant for pasting and sharing text files. Why exactly these sites are being blocked is not yet know. Depending upon your area and ISP, some sites may or may not be blocked but the DoT order is in effect regardless.

It’s an unruly form of censorship, and not the first of its kind in India. Most of the times it rises out of something that seemingly offends someone being posted on one of these sites by someone, causing this sort of ignorant knee-jerk reaction blocking the entire site by the DoT and the people in charge who generally don’t have any idea of how the internet works.

Hopefully, this is temporary and access to the sites is restored soon.

Are they high on pot? :banghead:


Allllright !
Following an order issued by the Department of Telecom in India, ISPs have blocked 32 sites including*Vimeo,*Dailymotion,*GitHub*and*Pastebinacross the country.

Users across India have*complained about being unable to access*the aforementioned sites and many others. Today,*Centre for Internet & Society*director*Pranesh Prakash*was among the first to share the circular that went round to local ISPs on Dec 17 demanding that they block access to multiple sites.

The availability of these sites is currently varied across the country, depending on whether the ISPs that operate in different service areas have taken action to comply with the order.

Indian ruling party BJP’s National Head*Arvind Guptaconfirmed the block order via Twitter, citing ‘anti-India content’ hosted on those sites from terrorist outfit ISIS:

While Gupta claims that those sites which remove the objectionable content in question will be unblocked, the block order is problematic for a number of reasons: it doesn’t clearly state to ISPs why they have to block these sites and for how long; furthermore, the blocks are site-wide and affect users who depend on these online services for work.

In addition, no statements were issued by the Indian government authorities to the public informing them of the ban until the circular was leaked today.

We’ve reached out to Vimeo and Github for comment on whether the sites*were indeed contacted by local authorities and asked to take down content, and will update this post when we hear back.
-- 32 Sites Blocked in India Over Content from ISIS

Pea sized brain dumba$$es sitting in DoT, how they hell is this gonna stop ISIS?


Pastebin is blocked, i am sad :(

some of my project information i saved there for quick reference while working in different terminals :(



this is the IP i get, directly accessing it, gives Direct IP access not allowed

already tried *, doesnt work..
i tried a proxy and it is working


i wonder when they will block the whole outside india internet and will force us to stay confined within ourselves.

this is worse than china, walking backwards into the iron curtain.....

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