Do small Android updates really matter?


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Ok, every year google comes out with a tiny increment to it's os version with improvements. Major mobile manufacturers come out every year with newest phones having a year old android version and with a promise to upgrade them to the next version.

Android 4.0 to 4.0.3 were released between 11/2011 to 3/2012 and since then we have come to 4.3 released this year.

What i want to say has something "major" really changed since 4.0 in these 2 years to warrant a new buy of a android device or the nexus series every year or 6 months?

What i mean to say is should i as a consumer really bother about whether my new phone will get upgraded to a new android version?

Or to be more specific, should i be buying a expensive android gadget which will just give just 1 tiny update while i use it for 2-3 years?

How are ios and win-mobile w.r.t the above? if i buy a 50k iphone today will i get a meaningful update 1 or 2 years down the line as compared to android which will just move from 4.1 to a minuscule upgrade of 4.2?
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