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The Incredible

Ambassador of Buzz
Hi Friends !

Can any 1 tell me sumthing abt DNS.

What is a DNS?
What is IP?
What is Proxy?
What is Hostname or Host Address?
What r there uses?
How 2 use them?


The Photoshop Guy
read this It will help you out

..:: peace ::..


IP or commonly used in TCP/IP
stands for Internet Protocol
it is a set of protocols which is paired up with the TCP protocols in the TCP/IP protocol suite
these are protocols of rnetworking or simply for connectin to the net or ur internal LAN

to connect u have an IP address which is 32 bits
in the nature of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
xx being decimal no's ranging from 0-255
each of these corresponding to a binary OCTET ( which means 8 binary digits which are 0/1 )

proxy means hiding behind something/ doing something on someone else's behalf
rem signing for ur partner in college for attendance ?
pretty much the same thing
whatever u wanna do on ur computer , the request is transmitted to the "proxy server" if ur using one , which in turn will forward it to the right place
the proxy server will then get the reply and forward it to u
so instead of ur comp doing it directly ur going thru a middle man
this can be used to hide ur IP address ( as ppl who know ur ip address can hack ur system if its vulnerable )
it can also be used to access certain services that UR ISP has blocked
so u tunnel it thru a service that ur ISP hasnt blocked that is HTTP ( or the net , the webpages u open , uses port 80) and then the proxy does the rest and forwards the reply back to ur port 80

Hostname is the name of the computer ur tryin to connect
host address is again IP address which is unique to every machine on the particular network
since the data needs to know where its going ( or rather the sender needs to know where hes sending the data )

this IP address is easier to remember but actually it is a mask over what is called as a MAC address which is unique to every NIC ( or lan card )
every card has a unique MAC address
some ISPs use mac address binding so u cant login from any other machine or rather using any other NIC ( lan card)

the MAC address is the actual address of the the source / destination of the data packet
but it cannot be routed ( or forwarded) hence we use IP addresses which are routable

all these are basically networking terms ;)
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