Diablo III Discussion


Firecracker to the moon
@Alok, actually does online gaming usually consume less data? If so, then I'm gonna get Airtel 3g for playing BF3 :D :D
By the way, I am a huge Diablo fan. Played Diablo 2 for more than 4 times. Cost is the only thing holding me back on Diablo 3. :-(
I recently bought COD:Ghosts so no more budget till this year end :D

I dont think so,Cause I remember some one mentioning One dota 2 match easily consumes 100-200 mb


Yeah its too costly . I wouldn't have bought if it was case of my pocket . I'm lucky. . ;-)
Blizzcon 2013 Schedule - Diablo III

Note: All times have been converted to IST.

Saturday, 9th November, 1:30 AM --> Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Cinematic Intro - Bringing Death to Life
Saturday, 9th November, 5:00 AM --> Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Preview
Saturday, 9th November, 6:30 AM --> Diablo III Lore and Story Q + A

Sunday, 10th November, 12:45 AM --> Diablo III: Gameplay Systems + Crusader
Sunday, 10th November, 4:45 AM --> Diablo III Open Q + A


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
I dont think so,Cause I remember some one mentioning One dota 2 match easily consumes 100-200 mb

The first match consumes near 100 MB, from onwards it will be around 50 MB permatch. Sometime it may consume less also.

I use photon+ data card which gives 2 mbps till 10 GB after that 150 kbps. So in 150 kbps the game is playable but consumes less data :p due to the limit


I can't say about other games but Diablo iii consumes very less data. Imo it only checks connection consistancy rather transferring game data like core online games.


i pwn joo!!
I use a 2gb 3G pack on my phone. i can tether it to laptop and use it for gaming. assuming I use about 1gb a month in browsing, whatsapp, facebook, etc on my phone, would the remaining 1GB be sufficient for playing D3?

(assuming i play 2-3 hours a day, and maybe 4-5 hours on weekends)

EDIT: how do i track internet usage per hour? apart from conventional way of checking via vodafone. otherwise, is there any tool or tracker i can install? which will give me real time numbers?


It will be sufficient. ..
And you can track those numbers in connection status...rights click ;-)

At act iii with lvl 30 monk.... this is really what I wanted..enjoying it solely. .uninstalled arkham origins..

Guys those training toms are unavailable ... I bought those from auction house. .. is this only way to lvl up artisans. ..????


Just current objective is : find Diablo ... at last act with lvl 32 monk ...its satisfying throughout.


Normal difficulty is too easy...they should have included at least one more difficulty by default.
Started again with demon hunter hardcore. .....


In the zone
@sandeep I get 380-450ms if everything is normal. Something is definitely wrong for you.... :/

@Alok okkk....

Well , isn't 380ms high?

I usually prefer <180 ping for online games. I was playing Path of Exile, SG gateway and was getting 450ms in BSNL. Tried Airtel 3G and ping dropped to 110 - 170
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