Living to Play
Maybe release date is somewhere around that date.
ChrisFW said:on a scale of 1 to 10, (1=not even close, 10=imminent,) how close are we to that all important #D3 announcement?
Jay Wilson said:
May 15. Mark that date. Get some new mice. Surgery for your wrist.
Diablo III Launching May 15 ? Digital Pre-Sales NOW OPEN - Diablo III
Wow..thanks for a great thread Gaurav! It took almost 3 hours for me to go through all the info and videos that you have sharedI'm sure you are a hell of a Diablo fan
I've been playing D2 LoD for the past 7 years (and still playing! Such an awesome game it is!) in Bnet Europe NL (primarily) and ladder at times, so it feels really great to meet lots of enthusiastic Diablo fans like you in TDF.
Now that I am eagerly waiting for May 15 (I think this is going to be the longest April for me in my lifetime), I want to know what means are available for us to purchase D3 retail box in India? I called up Flipkart but the customer care has no idea about when the product would be available. They just advised me to do the 'Notify Me' option. Can we expect it to hit the stores on May 15 or within a week atleast? Any idea?
P.S. - I bought only legit keys for D2 long back so I have no idea about product availability in stores.
Have you pre-ordered already? If not, by what means are you planning to grab a copy for yourself?
Blizzard said:The demon hunters. Vengeful harbingers of righteous doom who bring swift judgment and death to the hellish creatures daring enough to trespass on the mortal lands of Sanctuary. Skilled archers, assassins, and trackers, demon hunters are perfectly honed instruments set to scour demons from the world. The fact that every last one of them has a deep and personal motivation to do so only sharpens their deadly purpose.