Thanks for your concern for us joey_182. I would say this is another classic example of people (not you joey) trying to project that technology is bad. There are many reports like this in our local newspapers saying about repetitive stress injury, DVT, monitor radiation, internet addiction, online abuse, piracy, online fraud, mobile camera incidents etc. Every time my parents sees such a report, they would come to me -" son, did you see this?" , and they will make me read it fully. I have been using computer for over 3.5 years, and none of these RSIs or DVTs or radiations or addictions or abuse or fraud attempts ever happened to me. Recently, I had the opportunity of travelling in our Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) buses continuosly for 5 months. Within the first 3 months, I noticed that I had developed back pain and neck pain. Nobody wants to talk about the dangers of travelling in our public transport system, but everybody wants to blame technology for everything.
I am not saying this study is wrong.