Dell Studio 14 Laptop OR MACbOOK



Broken In
I do not really understand,why on earth some student in India want to spend about 65k on a mac,where he can do virtually everything he needs in a 35-40k machine.If show off is such a necessity why not drive a BMW or a Merc and use a Dell?

Woah!!! so you are saying that saving those 25k on laptop can buy a BMW or Merc for show off !!!:shock:
I don't wish to comment in this thread as buying a laptop is purely a personal choice and interfering will lead to fanwars of the type we used to have back in 2008 (the most entertaining year in this forum history :D).

But I guess I'm the sort of oddball here. I had similar requirements and now use a 23k laptop running a customized linux based OS and have no complaints because I'm getting my job done with this thing comfortably and at the same time it did not embarrass me when I asked its price.

I use it in the same place where ppl use macbooks, dell studios, HP DV6'es and Acer 5740's all around me :lol:


Broken In
Want to hear about the advantages
of using a Mac? There are several.
Apple has a reputation for releasing
hardware that not only performs
well, but looks like it performs well.
This design-centered thinking
inspires a line-up of computers that
seem downright architectural. The
thin, aluminum wrapped back Pro
being just one shining example.
Good looks don ’t hurt the Mac’s
resale value, either. The main
advantages of the Macs are in ease
of use. When it comes to your
screen, if you really think about it, all
you really have is an image. All the
action is on the screen. And Mac has
an interface that feels really good.
Many find the Mac ’s OS 10 Leopard
operating system more intuitive
than PC ’s Vista. Macs also come
with a free suite of bundled
software, known as iLife, that allows
you to easily create and organize
your digital media. So if you think
you ’d like to make your own music,
or edit a home video, or a publish a
book of recent photos, using a Mac
can streamline the process. Last but
not least, the intuitive operating
system we mentioned. Well, it ’s got
a feature called boot camp, that lets
you run Windows applications at
their normal speed. Hmm... all the
features of a Mac, with all the
applications made for the PC. It
seems like those concerns about
compatibility are finally being put to


Right off the assembly line
LOL...I came across this forum briefly and cannot believe what I am reading. Why is this even an argument? Obviously, the Dell Studio 14 wins hands down. You can make excuses all you want for the mbp, but a c2d and outdated hardware won't be able to compete against the new hardware.
You're talking about a quad-core i7 cpu in your laptop. If you want something that looks really good, get a sony Z series. It will blow any Apple computer out of the waters, looks amazingly expensive, and also a "status" symbol.

It's just so sad that all the idiots on here are so defensive when any criticisms are thrown at Apple. Like all big companies, Apple's quality has declined a lot from when their first made iPods and iPhones.


Broken In
hmm... i used both Mac and Windows .. infact using windows at office and Mac at home (personal)..

I find Mac better than Windows in any sense.. Macbook is a whole package and not to be compared part by part.. Windows 7 is catching up.. but not yet upto the mark..

Macbook is generally meant for video editing, photography and heavy processing application like adobe, final cut pro etc.. Check anyone in US who are in these field and u find a mac with them..

So it's ur personal choice.. if you are into photography and video editing.. then mac is the best.. otherwise.. u can go by the way you want...

I like mac the most when compared to windows.. all based on my experience and not apple fanboy or anything..


this thread is filled with MAC fanbois!!

yes i do agree that MAC's are good and all...
but they are way way over rated and over priced!!

as someone said "all" the pros use MAC..
well bcz for pro's money isnt an issue..
and anyways how would you know what the pros use!
but more importantly its the ideas of the pros that matter not what they use!

also PCs can do the same stuff that MAC can do..
PC's can run video editing softwares from the like of avid..
also a whole host of audio softwares run on the PC..

and whoever says that MAC OS is free of viruses and is indestructible is wrong because OS X Snow Leopard is more vulnerable to attack than Microsoft Windows for lacking full address space layout randomization (ASLR) since OS X v10.5, which Microsoft has implemented since Windows Vista.


Super Moderator
Staff member
The OP has obviously bought a Dell Studio 14 by now. ;)

and whoever says that MAC OS is free of viruses and is indestructible is wrong because OS X Snow Leopard is more vulnerable to attack than Microsoft Windows for lacking full address space layout randomization (ASLR) since OS X v10.5, which Microsoft has implemented since Windows Vista.
omfg!!! :lol:
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